
Link lengthener. Make your URL ridiculously long.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


Because some links just aren't long enough.

Lengthen your links at https://longasslink.com/

Dependencies and Testing

Build and start (Docker)

$ docker-compose up --build

Build and start

$ npm install
$ npm start

Run tests

$ npm install
$ npm install nodeunit -g
$ nodeunit test/


 Docker Container       Port mapping: 3500(host):3500(container)
|                                                               |
|                                                               |
|    +--------------------+                                     |
|    |/bin/www.js         |                                     |
|    |                    |                                     |
|    |Startup entrypoint  |                                     |
|    |                    |                                     |
|    +----------+---------+                                     |
|               |                                               |
|               |                                               |
|               |                                               |
|               v                                               |
|    +----------+-----------+                                   |
|    |/lib/app.js           |                                   |
|    |                      |                                   |
|    |Initialise Express    |                                   |
|    |routes and middleware |                                   |
|    +---+---+-----+---+----+                                   |
|        |   |     |   |                                        |
|        |   |     |   v                                        |
|        |   |     |   Attach middleware                        |
|        |   |     v                                            |
|        |   |     Serve error messages                         |
|        |   v                                                  |
|        |   Parse Stylus into CSS                              |
|        |   Use Jade rendering engine                          |
|        |   for views.                                         |
|        |                                                      |
|        v                                                      |
|    +---+---+---------------------------------------------+    |
|    |Routes |                                             |    |
|    |       |  /routes/index.js                           |    |
|    +-------+    GET  --> Retrieve desired URL and 301    |    |
|    |            POST --> Generate URL and return to page |    |
|    |                                                     |    |
|    |                                                     |    |
|    |                                                     |    |
|    |                                                     |    |
|    |                                                     |    |
|    |                                                     |    |
|    |                                                     |    |
|    |                                                     |    |
|    +-----------------------------------------------------+    |
|                                                               |
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|                                                               |