
Tool to build and publish docker images

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT


Grue is a command line tool that facilitates building and publishing docker images, as well as deploying manifests to GKE clusters.

Why Grue

Grue is developed to accomodate the following workflow:

  • you have a monorepo that contains code for several docker images and their respective kubernetes manifests.
  • you want to build and publish all images after each commits: see grue build.
  • you deploy images through kubectl apply (you first update manifests with the new image name) and want a way to apply everything at once, possibly across clusters: see grue apply.

Grue is similar to skaffold: config is through a top level yaml, and grue build, like skaffold build, will look for all images in the repo to build them. The similarities stop there though: grue is not meant to auto deploy images. In our workflow, manifests are first manually updated, and then applied. Therefore, grue apply is only meant to be a helper around kubectl apply.


Grue is very young and should be considered experimental at this point.

Grue calls git, docker, gcloud, and kubectl. Therefore today Grue is only useful to deploy docker images to GKE clusters from a git repository.



grue build build docker images found in the repository.

  • Images are automatically tagged with the current git commit hash.
  • Start by adding a images.yaml file at the root of the directory to list the images you want to build, e.g:
apiVersion: grue/v1
kind: Config
  script: scripts/build.sh
  - image: gcr.io/my-project/my-service
    context: cmd/foo/my-service
  • script: points to a script called before building images. optional.
  • artifacts: lists all the images that are buildable.
  • image: the name of the image to build.
  • context: the directory containing the image's Dockerfile.


  • grue build: builds all the images referenced under build.artifacts, executing build.script (if any) before each.
  • grue build --image=gcr.io/my-project/my-service: builds the specified image. The image must be referenced in the images.yaml.
  • grue build --publish: builds all the images, and publishes them using docker push.


grue apply apply manifests using kubectl.

  • Add a deploy section in the images.yaml to list clusters you want to deploy to, and where to find their respective deployment manifests.
  • grue apply runs gloud to authenticate against each clusters then looks for all its manifests (.yaml or .yml) before running kubectl apply on them.
apiVersion: grue/v1
kind: Config
  script: scripts/build.sh
  - image: gcr.io/my-project/my-service
    context: cmd/foo/my-service
  - name: my-cluster
    project: my-gcp-project
    region: us-east1
    manifests: k8s/
  • clusters: lists clusters to deploy to.
  • name: name of the cluster. will be used for authentication using gcloud.
  • project: the gcp project of the cluster. will be used for authentication using gcloud.
  • region: region of the cluster. will be used for authentication using gcloud.
  • manifests: directory where the manifests are located. Will be scanned recursively for .yaml or .yml files.


  • grue apply: apply manifests for all clusters found in images.yaml.
  • grue apply --cluster=my-project: apply all manifests for the specified cluster. The cluster must exist in images.yaml.