
Agora-Recording-Merger helps in merging Cloud Recorded Files generated by Agora Cloud Recording.


  1. Heroku Developer Account / VM
  2. AWS IAM Credentials
  3. AWS S3 Bucket ( to uplaod merged files )
  4. AWS S3 Bucket containing recorded files
  5. Docker

Steps to run

  1. Deploying to Heroku
    • Head on to your Heroku Developer Account and create a new name
    • Once done, head on to overview tab and click on configure add-ons.
    • Add Postgres and Redis add-ons.
    • Now, install Heroku CLI
    • Clone the repo, duplicate the sample.env file and rename it to .env.
    • Fill all your creds in .env file and run the following commands
      heroku login
      heroku container:login
      heroku container:push web
      heroku container:release web
  2. Deploying through VM
    • Install docker and docker-compose on the vm.

    • Duplicate the sample.env file and rename it to .env.

    • Uncomment 11-16 lines from .env file and fill all the fields.

    • Build the docker image with the following command.

      docker-compose build

    • Run the docker-compose file with the following command.

      docker-compose up -d

    • Now, let's access into database container and create a database with following command.

      docker exec -it backend bash

    • Create a database and run compose up command.

Tech Stack

  1. Docker
  2. Django
  3. Celery
  4. Postgres

API Docs

curl --location --request POST '' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{

Optional fields:

  • merge_mode ( int )
  • fps ( int )
  • width ( int )
  • height ( int )