
AIO "Free Shop" for Tinfoil

AIO "Free Shop" forwarder for Tinfoil

Auto redirecting active free shop servers to Tinfoil via tinfoilshop.json

  • Only add one link below in Tinfoil and it will automatically redirect and add all the shops listed below for you.
  • No longer require to add every single shop link manually
  • Please note that it will take some time to load and refresh all the links everytime you launch Tinfoil. Don't panicked !


  1. For existing user, locate and delete the file [sd:/switch/tinfoil/locations.conf] in your SD card. It will regenerate a new one on your next launch.
    (Note: New user or if this is your first time using Tinfoil may skip this step)
  2. Launch Tinfoil and press the minus button to add the following link.
Protocol: https
Host: raw.githubusercontent.com
Path: raytan1807/tinfoil-aio/master/tinfoilshop.json
  1. Wait for a few minutes and it shall redirect and load all the shops listed below in your Tinfoil. (Note: Loading time may varies depend on your internet speed and SD card performance)
  2. If you are facing crashes just close and retry the above steps. If the issue still persist then unfortunately this may not work for you and you may have to add the link below one by one.

AIO "Free Shop" List


# Ecchi's archive (FKA Eevee Save Project) (Auto added by tinfoil)
Protocol: https
Host: e.cchi.me
Title: ESA
# Stealth Shop
Protocol: https
Host: stealthshop.cf
Title: Stealth Shop
# Nekoshop (merged with tits)
Protocol: https
Host: nekoshop.cf
Title: Nekoshop
# ReDUMP SHOP (longer loading time)
Protocol: https
Host: redump.cf
Title: ReDUMP Shop
# Pengu shop
Protocol: https
Host: pengu.us
Title: Pengu shop
# teknik
Protocol: https
Host: switch.teknik.app
Title: teknik
# UnderPrivileged Shop
Protocol: https
Host: cdn.discordapp.com
Path: attachments/531350560549634069/902073525370765352/Under.tfl
Title: UnderPrivileged Shop
# A-Network Tinfoil Shop (slower download speed)
Protocol: nut
Host: a-network.ca
Port: 9000
Username: reddit
Password: reddit
Title: A-Network Tinfoil Shop
# Ecchi firmware archives (download official firmwares)
Protocol: https
Host: e.cchi.me
Path: firmware.tfl
Title: EFA


# Kronos Zenten Shop (Require license purchased from kronos)
Protocol: https
Host: myrincon.duckdns.org
Path: net/Zenten
Title: Kronos Zenten Shop


# QuotaShop
Protocol: https
Host: quotanx.in
Title: QuotaShop
# Turtle Shop (tits) (merged with Nekoshop)
Protocol: https
Host: titz.cf
Title: tits
# Jack in the Shop (jits) (closed)
Protocol: https
Host: jits.cc
Path: shop
Title: Jack in the Shop
# HBG Shop (hbg) (closed)
Protocol: https
Host: thehbg.shop
Path: //hbgshop.ga/ng/
Title: Homebrew Gang
# Voxhost Tinfoil Server (cannot use)
Protocol: https
Host: tinfoilhost.voxhost.fr
Title: Voxhost Tinfoil Server
# 雷禪商店 Rayzen Shop (cannot use)
Protocol: https
Host: tiny.cc
Path: Rayzen-vip
Title: Rayzen Shop
# Turtle Shop (tits) 2 (useless)
Protocol: https
Host: tiny.cc
Path: turtleshop
Title: tits2
# Stealth Shop (cannot use)
Protocol: https
Host: stealthshop.cf/world
Title: Stealth Shop


All the "Free Shops" listed above are owned and maintained by their respective server owner. In no particular order, we credit the following and their members for their invaluable contributions:

You are welcome to join their discord channel by clicking the links above and support them.

Legal Disclaimer

  • This is solely meant for educational and personal testing purposes only. Piracy is not supported. Please support the developer by purchasing original.

  • The author DO NOT affiliated with any contents that may retrieve from any Tinfoil shops NOR taking any responsibility for your actions using this forwarder.

  • The user must understand the potential risks that may arise from using this forwarder.