
A simple mouse path game

Primary LanguageHTML


One last 'project' for practicing events, loops and functions before moving on to new material!

General Overview

When the page loads, there should be lots randomly generated boxes on the page on a single color (red) and have one box be a different color (blue). The goal of the game is to navigate your cursor around all of the same red boxes and hover over the single blue box.

Basic Technical Goals

  • Generate a random number between 0 and n - 1 to act as our "special box" index and save in variable for specialBoxIndex
  • Will need to have a function called placeRandomBoxes() that creates n new divs, gives them a CSS class of box, generates two random numbers for their X and Y positioning and appends them to the page.
  • In the loop of placing the random boxes, check to see if i == specialBoxIndex. If it is, add classes box specialBox. If not, just add box.
  • Also in the loop, we will need to add event listeners to the box
    • if it is the special box, a mouseover event should be listened to and call a function winGame().
    • If its a normal box, attach an event listener to the same event and call a function loseGame().
  • Create a function called removeEventListeners. In the function, grab all elements with the class of box, loop through them and remove both the winGame and loseGame event listeners from the elements.
  • Call the removeEventListeners function inside of winGame() and loseGame() to make sure the game is unplayable when a result is reached.
  • Both winning and losing should cause an alert to appear letting you know the result of the game.

Extended Technical Goals

  • Instead of divs use images.
  • Replace the alerts with div modals. Make the divs part of your HTML but set them to display: none in your CSS. Then, when winGame or loseGame is called, you can grab the modal by an ID and set the display to block.
  • Add buttons inside of these modals that, when clicked, reload the page using location.reload().

Advanced Technical Goals

  • On page load, start a timer that updates the screen to let the user know how many seconds have gone by during the game.
  • Save high scores in localStorage and display on screen.
    • When the game ends, check to see if completed time is better than the stored high score
      • If it is, update the saved value in storage
  • Add 'Jeopardy' music that plays in the background
  • Allow the users to select from different difficulties
    • Toggle a variable that will be used as the amount of boxes to inject into the page
      • I.E. easy = 100 boxes, medium = 250, hard = 500