URL Shortener

Node.js CI

API Specs

  1. Upload URL
  • HTTP Request POST /api/v1/urls
  • Request Body
    • url: string
    • expireAt: string
  • Response
    • Normal (status 200)
      • id: string
      • shortUrl: string
    • Invalid URL or expireAt earlier than current time (status 403)
      • error: string
  • Example
    curl -X POST -H "Content-Type:application/json" http://localhost/api/v1/urls -d '{
      "url": "http://www.google.com",
      "expireAt": "2021-02-08T09:20:41Z"
    # Response
      "id": "AAAAAAA",
      "shortUrl": "http://localhost/AAAAAAA"
  1. Redirect URL
  • HTTP Request GET /:url_id
  • Path Parameters
    • url_id: string
  • Response
    • Normal (status 200)
      redirect to original URL
    • Expired or non-existent url_id (status 404)
      • error: string
  • Example
    curl -L -X GET http://localhost/AAAAAAA => REDIRECT to http://www.google.com


  1. Lint
    npm build
  2. Test
    npm test
  3. Update GKE secrets
    kubectl delete secret mysecret
    kubectl create secret generic mysecret --from-env-file .env