#Connoisseur WebService Backend - Account

To start locally:


  1. Install Maven

  2. Install Postgresql,create a database user and an empty database

  3. Update src/resources/application.properties file accordingly

    spring.datasource.url= jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/connoisseurdb spring.datasource.username=connoisseurdev spring.datasource.password=connoisseurdev

  4. Update src/resources/application.properties from




    this step will help you create the tables and import the initial data. After the tables created, please revert this change back.,

  5. To start the application on 8080 port, go to project folder, and type

    mvn package spring-boot:run

    will list all options.frequent used options includes:

    • Static Analyze Run following command to perform code static analyze with FindBugs

      mvn site

    • Unit test

      Run following command to execute all Junit test cases

      mvn test

    • Build the application jar file

      mvn package

API endpoints

And the steps will be:

  1. Get authentication token

    the result should looks like

    {"id":3,"userId":0,"token": "35c2deca-2ba9-4067-9314-8e093a78400a","expiration":1494323792523,"ttl":3600000,"clientSpec":""}

  2. Extract the token field, add to "X-Auth-Token" header for all following requests.

    All request without proper X-Auth-Token header will get an unauthorized error, except the loginsession api

To start with QA Database in AWS

  • Run command

    SPRING_APPLICATION_JSON='{"spring.profiles.active":"qa","spring.datasource.username":"xxxxx", "spring.datasource.password":"xxxxx"}' mvn package spring-boot:run


    java -Dspring.application.json='{"spring.profiles.active":"qa","spring.datasource.username":"xxxx", "spring.datasource.password":"xxx"}' -jar connoisseur-account-service-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar

    by specify environment variable, the application-qa.properties will picked up. This file contains the database configuration to the QA database in AWS RDS. more information can be found from Spring Boot Externalized Configuration

Intellij IDEAConfiguration:

  • Ticking the "Enable annotation processing" checkbox in Settings->Compiler->Annotation Processors.

  • Install the Lombok plugin for IDEA and restart for change to take effect.