Golem JS Preview Program

Welcome to the Golem JS Preview Program repository! This repository contains a set of tasks that you can complete to broaden your knowledge and help improve the Golem Network. By completing these tasks, you will help our team gather valuable feedback and suggestions on how to improve our ecosystem.

To start:

  1. Fork this repository.
  2. Choose tasks that are interesting to you.
  3. Make notes and record the time needed to accomplish each step within a task. Please write these down inside the feedback form, which you will find in a Markdown file inside each task directory.
    • This information will be super useful for the Golem Team, especially your notes with feedback and suggestions to help make our ecosystem better.
    • You can also add screenshots to the feedback if you think they might be useful in providing feedback.

To submit:

  1. Make sure the feedback form in the Markdown file is completed for each of the tasks you’d like to submit.
  2. Submit a “new issue” to this repository, by choosing Golem JS Preview Program Submission template and providing a link to your repository fork.
  3. Our team will review and evaluate your feedback, then reward you with GLM reward for your future projects! (Legal terms apply, read more here)


The following are the tasks available:

Install and configure the Yagna daemon on your machine to allow you to run tasks on the Golem Network.

Create a script that uses Golem to generate text-to-speech audio, allowing users to easily generate audio files without needing to install text-to-speech software locally.

Build a web-based code sandbox that can execute code on the Golem Network, allowing users to compile and execute code directly from their web browser.

Create a Node.js script that uses Golem to perform image file conversions in parallel, allowing users to convert multiple images in different formats simultaneously.

Prepare for a bigger scale and allow any user to interact with your API. This will serve as a gateway that schedules tasks on Golem and forwards the results.

Create a Node.js script that selects the best provider to run a Golem task based on factors such as price, reliability, and performance.