
URDF for humanoid robot Asimo E1.

Primary LanguageMakefile

URDF model of Robot Asimo E1

Package Name: description Launch folder: urdf.launch, gazebo.launch, xacro.launch Urdf folder: robot.urdf, gazebo.urdf, robot_E1.xacro

Quick Start

To run robot in rviz with xacro:

roslaunch description xacro.launch 

To run robot in rviz with urdf:

roslaunch description urdf.launch

To run robot in Gazebo:

roslaunch description gazebo.launch

##Erro Issue

In case the robot does not show properly, it maybe becuase of your langeuage in your system is not en_US.UTF-8 in default. to solve this please type: echo 'export LC_NUMERIC="en_US.UTF-8"' >>~/.bashrc

Created with ROS melodic Student: Voeurn Yong Ann, Innopolis University Master of Robotics 2019