
Website for Practical Data Science Course Page

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Practical Data Science

Repo for www.practialdatascience.org

This respository uses the sphinx document builder together with nbconvert to (mostly) convert jupyter notebooks into a static HTML website.

It reads source material from the source folder (mostly jupyter notebooks, with a few .rst restructured text files (like the home page in index.rst), and when you run sphinx uses those to build an HTML site in docs/html, which is then hosted by github pages.

To Build

  • Clone repository
  • Install all relevant sphinx packages for converting notebooks to HTML: conda install -c conda-forge sphinx nbsphinx recommonmark pip install sphinx_markdown_tables
  • cd to the root directory of repository.
  • Run sphinx-build source docs/html

The site will be built into docs/html.

You can also install sphinx-autobuild (pip install sphinx-autobuild), and from the root directory run python3 -m sphinx_autobuild source docs/html. This will create a process that watched the source folder, and any time it see changes, re-build the repo. If you're doing iterative development, it can be helpful to leave this running to auto-build after ever change so you can look at how your changes are working in your local browser.

You can open the site locally by double-clicking on docs/index.html (which just redirects to docs/html/index.html).

Copyright Nicholas Eubank, 2021