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This is the DreamFactory Services Platform™ Core Server repository. It contains the core web components necessary to run the system. The code is available for use under the Apache Version 2.0 license.
Please visit our wiki for detailed platform and API documentation.
[Instructions] (https://github.com/dreamfactorysoftware/dsp-core/wiki/Usage-Options) for installing DreamFactory in various environments
[Change logs] (https://github.com/dreamfactorysoftware/dsp-core/wiki/CHANGELOG) for current and past releases
DreamFactory is an open source software package that provides a REST API for mobile enterprise application development. You can think of DreamFactory as server middleware that connects mobile devices, such as phones and tablets, to backend data (SQL, NoSQL, and file storage) with a Representational State Transfer (REST) API.
Client devices that make REST calls to DreamFactory can be phones, tablets, and the "internet of things", such as sensors. Desktop applications and web apps can also make REST API calls to DreamFactory.
Backend data sources that DreamFactory for which DreamFactory auto-generates REST APIs include every major SQL database, NoSQL database, and file storage system. SQL is probably the most significant and widely implemented by enterprises, based upon recent survey feedback.
DreamFactory also makes it easy to securely consume remote web services, including custom web services you’ve written yourself.
In a nutshell, DreamFactory enables developers to quickly hook up a wide variety of backend systems, and to expose these assets with a comprehensive palette of RESTful services. The REST API allows client-server separation that simplifies component implementation, reduces the complexity of connectivity, improves performance tuning, and increases the scalability of server-side components.
- Feedback is welcome in the form of pull requests and/or issues.
- Contributions should generally follow the strategy outlined in "Contributing to a project"
- All pull requests must be in a "git flow" feature branch to be considered.