
Creating dbt models for Problem: Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego?

Primary LanguagePython

Razi Ul Haq

Hey everyone, I’m more comfortable with Word so using this instead of the markdown document. Firstly, sorry if my answers seem too to the point, I have no context of the game and have never played it from where I come from. Secondly, for part2, I could have used simple if statements for every model, but I chose to do all this through macros and Jinja to make the code reuseable and demonstrate my knowledge. I used Standard SQL on BigQuery for this case study


For this I used Python code(located in /scripts) to simply output each sheet as individual csv to the data folder. From there dbt seed command was used to import this data into BigQuery. This data was imported into models_source dataset.


For this part I used pure jinja + macro combo to write reuseable code. The function just takes in the name of the table to ref to. It extracts all columns using dbt.utils, then writes Jinja code that checks it againsta all possible options for the column and assigns the required name. Simpler solutions do exist, I just went a bit overboard after reading that we could go wild with this 😂. Output for this part was written to models_standardized(schema name) dataset.


This part basically wanted us to build the core tables that can be then used to make team/task specific datasets. I tried to normalize the tables as far as I could. However, I feel like I am missing some context about the game so I could have deviated somewhere. Output for this part was written to models_main(schema name) dataset.


This part again required some Jinja finesse. Specially for part(d) I calculated all occurences of all possible behaviors, aggregated those each month wise. A simple sum across each column would enable us to get answers for parts (c) and (d). For part (a) and (b) I created the sighting_properties_monthwise table using CTEs with ephemeral materialization. This is because these CTEs wont need to be used in any other tables/view. These CTEs calculate the sorted value occurences for each column that i wanted to include and keep just the top value occurence. The sighting_properties_monthwise has the required columns(and a few more) to enable us to calculate everything we are looking for by just using SUM() and FILTER. I believe this is the main purpose of an analytics engineer that they enable business people to find answers to their questions by just these 2 functions that can easily be performed on even Excel. Output for this part was written to models_analytics(schema name) dataset.

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