
  • Swap with Liquidswap
  • Buy/Sell/Relist of the cheap NFTs on Bluemove
  • Stake / Unstake on Tortuga and DittoFi
  • Everything is randomized, only needed APT on the wallet.


  1. Install Node.js =>

  2. Create Aptos Wallets and fund them (0.4 APT or more is preferred, but not more than 10$ in Aptos, it breaks gas calculations and causes error). Creation could be done with

  3. Put your private keys in the privates.txt file in the root of the folder

  4. Run npm install to install dependencies

  5. Change config (optional) in src/config.const.ts file. txAmountMin - minimum desired number of transactions per wallet per session

    txAmountMax - maximum desired number of transactions per wallet per session For example, if you specified txAmountMin = 2 and txAmountMax = 4, then a random number of transactions from 2 to 4 will be performed on each wallet

    sleepBetweenTransactionsMin - minimum delay between each transaction in seconds sleepBetweenTransactionsMax - maximum delay between each transaction in seconds For example, if you specified timeSleepMin = 120 and timeSleepMax = 300, then on each the delay between each transaction will be randomly selected in the range from 2 to 5 minutes

    rpcUrl - here you can change the node to which transactions will be sent. The list of nodes can be found at

  6. Run npm run start

Console fields:

index - serial number of your wallet from .txt file

session_duration_min - Session duration for each wallet in minutes

progress - how many transactions have been made out of the total for a particular wallet

current_tx_type - current transaction type (NFT action / DEX trading / liquid staking action)

last_tx_result - the result of the last transaction

It can be of three types:

  1. TX was successful - everything is ok
  2. Error when creating a TX - this happens if, for example, an action with nft fell out, but the collection for purchase was not found
  3. TX failed - this happens extremely rarely, for example, when someone bought the selected NFT during the formation and sending of the transaction

min_until_next_tx - Shows how many minutes to wait until the next transaction on the wallet

status - if 0 then the wallet has not yet completed the session, if 1 then completed

Reach me out, tg: @humansimulacrum if help is needed!