Need For Kill - Quake 3 in 2d - WebGL game
Original game called "Need For Kill" was developed by 3d[Power] in early 200x as Windows DirectX game application written in Delphi. The game has multiplayer and dedicated servers on the Internet. There are several game modes: duel, teamplay, captu the flag, domintaion and others. The killer features are a progamer physics model and well balanced gameplay!
Look this short demo: and more videos on and
You can download original Need For Kill game from official web-site:
This project is aimed to rewrite the original game with modern web technologies keeping the same physics model and game balance.
- Graphics is rendered by Pixi.js (WebGL with canvas fallback)
- JavaScript clien code is written in ECMAScript 2015 (former ES6) standart and trinspiled to ES5 using Babel
- Build system: webpack
- Rewrite collision code (currentelly it looks like spagetti copied from old Delphi sources)
- Write detailed manual for developers how to setup environment (node, webpack, ...), may be record a screencast
- Implement first weapon: Railgun!
- Create mutiplayer and dedicated server with first gamemode: Railarena
- Launch official web-site with registration, playres statistic charts, matchmaking
- More weapons and items, new game modes: duel, ctf and teamplay
- Enhanced map editing functionality
- Bricks textures, models skins
- Visual effects
- Profit!!!
Project is open source under MIT lecince. Issues and pull requests are welcome! Especially we are looking for Multiplayer/Network stack developer (both clien and server side)
Join us on irc: #nfk (for russian use cp1251). Webgate to irc: