1 - Clone repository
2 - Navigate to the app directory and run the following to install Laravel packages
composer install
In case you have memory limit issues:
Error : Fatal error: Allowed memory
Use the following command prefix to override composer internal memory limits:
php -d memory_limit=-1 C:\\composer\\composer.phar install
Replace composer path if necessary !
3 - Install nodejs packages using
npm install
4 - Edit .env file using your local environment settings
5 - Generate Dummy database entries
php artisan -v migrate:fresh --seed
Optionally, you could generate your own key using: 'php artisan key:generate'
Unit tests can be ran using, (They include Database seeding + Products creation and update tests):
composer test
6 - Run Laravel backend server
php artisan serve
- Optionally, you could change the listening port using 'php artisan serve --port=8080 // For port 8080'
7 - Run Vue.js Frontend for Development
npm run dev
Watching for changes: Running npm run dev every time you make changes to file is inefficient. Hopefully there's command so your changes can be watched and get reflected accordingly.
npm run watch
8 - Open your browser and go to