
Quickstart SugarCRM on OpenShift | Sugar is an affordable and easy to use customer relationship management (CRM) platform, designed to help your business communicate with prospects, share sales information, close deals and keep customers happy.

Primary LanguagePHP


1) Create an account at http://openshift.redhat.com/
2) Create a php-5.3 application and attach mysql to it:
    $ rhc app create -a sugarcrm -t php-5.3
    $ rhc app cartridge add -a sugarcrm -c mysql-5.1
3) Add this upstream drupal repo
    $ cd sugarcrm
    $ git remote add upstream -m master git://github.com/openshift/sugarcrm-example.git
    $ git pull -s recursive -X theirs upstream master
4) Then push the repo upstream
    $ git push
5) That's it, you can now checkout your application at:
6) Default Admin Username: admin
   Default Admin Password: admin


In order to update or upgrade to the latest version of SugarCRM, use the in-app
upgrade tool ( see http://www.sugarcrm.com/crm/support/documentation/SugarCommunityEdition )

Do not use git to upgrade. If you need to update your instance, use the 'rhc app snapshot save' tool to pull down changes first to
incorporate them into your local install ( see http://docs.redhat.com/docs/en-US/OpenShift_Express/1.0/html/User_Guide/sect-User_Guide-OpenShift_Express_Application_Development-Downloading_OpenShift_Express_Applications.html for details )