- 0
Glitches when parent is transform scaled
#138 opened by groenroos - 0
problems occur when the animation ends?
#137 opened by zjw666 - 0
Migration guide
#136 opened by abemedia - 1
AdBlock Interferes with Animation
#76 opened by munaf-zz - 4
Sorting (using your sorted function)
#84 opened - 1
Verticl menu?
#106 opened by AlchemyNow - 1
Problem while using quicksand with pagination
#115 opened by asad92 - 6
Broken responsive gallery issue.
#111 opened by daugaard47 - 2
How do I manage duplicated images?
#95 opened by bugsy0206 - 3
- 1
Multiple, independant "galleries"
#92 opened by adamwoodhouse - 2
Adding Sort By Filter as per Demo
#102 opened - 4
- 4
- 1
Quicksand sorting feature, two different id and Image is coming two time when I select all images
#123 opened by ajaypanwar092 - 1
Changing filters to a select drop down
#128 opened by knolan2 - 2
Windows 8 and IE10 fix
#89 opened by todorenko - 1
Responsive Collapsed Container with Quicksand
#83 opened by Danilux - 2
[enhancement] Add missing bower.json.
#114 opened by timgluz - 1
DO NOT MESS the width
#104 opened by ryh - 1
Stop setting width on the container
#122 opened by max-degterev - 2
- 2
- 4
- 1
Scaling is not working
#99 opened by mvysh - 16
Quicksand not work with jQuery 1.7.0 ?
#72 opened by jeremybarbet - 5
Jquery.browser issue
#94 opened by saruman - 7
Only works with jQuery 1.8.3, nothing higher
#109 opened by kahanu - 2
- 1
Fix please events crush by this solution
#132 opened by mavlutovr - 1
work with Jquery 3.1
#135 opened by weedkiller - 1
License Query
#129 opened by best4uall - 1
Add license files
#133 opened by amuzalevskiy - 3
Add package.json
#120 opened by juice49 - 1
- 0
- 1
Bootbox.js stops working after I filter portfolio
#119 opened by dsamardjiev - 0
Issue after upgrading from 1.2.2 to 1.4
#116 opened by yantakus - 1
- 0
Origin of animated elements
#107 opened by rhorbas - 0
Right To Left support
#105 opened by stuk88 - 3
Newbie Issu
#73 opened by deflan - 2
On Sort Animation > All Images Stack to Left
#74 opened by frankV - 1
Issue with Chrome and Safari
#88 opened by greisdk - 0
prettyPhoto callback in quicksand
#85 opened - 2
Image collapses on filtering?
#82 opened by contempoinc - 2
CSS positioning doubles on filter
#80 opened - 4
Item Class Removed when Sorted
#79 opened by contempoinc - 2
Multiple select boxes (filters)
#78 opened by aygul - 1
Width problem...
#75 opened by cedriccharles