- 0
- 0
Onboarding KYC Issue
#253 opened by KetanMaind - 18
Razorpay::ServerError (We are facing some trouble completing your request at the moment. Please try again shortly.):
#159 opened by yogeshmuthuraj - 16
- 21
Payment failed We are facing some trouble completing your request at the moment. Please try again shortly.
#224 opened by ButteryImportant - 0
Signature Security Issue of RazorPay WebHook
#244 opened by Aprameya123 - 0
"We are facing some trouble completing your request at the moment. Please try again shortly" - Internal server error 500
#241 opened by Adushaiq - 1
Create linked account is present?
#217 opened by arpansac - 0
Support for Razorpay-X APIs
#220 opened by danishsatkut - 3
'amount' field in order and payment response is 100x the actual amount
#152 opened by anto-beslie-zynerd - 2
Proper language specific documentation missing.
#119 opened by abnair1982 - 2
- 2
- 1
Razorpay Integration on Spree commerce 4.1
#91 opened by fyodorfs - 1
verify_payment_signature does not throw error if wrong attributes are passed
#93 opened by tannakartikey - 1
How to pause a subscription using sub id in sdk?
#104 opened by hiteshranaut - 8
Routes API
#55 opened by leenasn - 23
- 2
- 6
- 3
Integrate sub merchant
#86 opened by dharshan - 3
Create a Fetch All Plans method for RoR
#85 opened by abizerlokhandwala - 10
Payment link create API requiring line_items
#70 opened by mahimatics - 3
Error while creating a invoice
#83 opened by Deena-D-Cutinha - 6
`verify_payment_signature` always return `nil`
#73 opened by dharshan - 2
`verify_payment_signature` implementation for Subscription is wrong and does not work.
#80 opened by askamist - 0
test issue
#71 opened by radhika-tk - 0
Use as a Partner (Platform)
#74 opened by sudhirj - 2
- 5
- 3
- 1
- 5
'method' seems to be reserved in rails
#13 opened by arpansac - 3
Virtual Account API not working
#62 opened by vik-y - 0
Razorpay::Payment.fetch(payment_id).capture({amount:amount}) throwing error.
#60 opened by neerajgupta2407 - 2
- 3
- 2
Invoice::Create API
#52 opened by akashdevaraju - 2
- 2
Handle server being unrechable
#18 opened by captn3m0 - 6
Razorpay capture payment
#40 opened by binkkatal - 1
- 9
- 2
- 6
- 1
Httparty 0.13 Dependency issue
#12 opened by guinex - 0
- 3
Not able to use order API
#16 opened by manuqwe - 3
payment.method does not work properly
#8 opened by captn3m0 - 2
uninitialized constant Razorpay::Order
#9 opened by varun-raj