Hi, I'm Vlad 👋

I'm a passionate open-source contributor, and believe that improving the things together, not re-inventing the wheel, is the true spirit of OpenSource.

I've contributed with code to all the pinned repos below and many others:

rails/rails, ethereum/go-ethereum, universal-ctags/ctags, rubyjedi/soap4r, capistrano/capistrano, rails/webpacker, EternalTerminal, HealthSamurai/hl7v2.clj, dsl_parsers, RubyMoney/money, tobias/dynapath, rtomayko/replicate, richarcher/Hatjitsu, quidproquo/mr_video, savonrb/gyoku, redis-store/redis-activesupport, gazay/gon, ASKBOT/askbot-devel, airblade/paper_trail, kossnocorp/role-rails, redis-store/redis-store, ASKBOT/askbot-devel, ctran/annotate_models, taksan/skype-java-api

If you're looking for the things I created:

🏗️ Projects 0x0.cx & awesome-clojure

📖 Words about programming on twitter (only things, that make sense)

🎧 Sounds about distributed systems of HardcodeFm

🧑‍💻 Libraries published on RubyGems, or Clojars, or available Github Sources. Here is a small summary: