
A carousel component library for your SwiftUI app

Primary LanguageSwiftMIT LicenseMIT

# SwiftyCarousel

SwiftyCarousel is a Swift library for creating a customizable carousel component in SwiftUI. It provides an easy way to display a collection of items in a carousel format with various customization options.

## Features

- Display a carousel of items
- Customizable card width, height, and spacing
- Zoom in/out effect for inactive cards
- Adjust carousel spacing with inactive card width
- Set card corner radius
- Show/hide paging indicator with customizable colors and size
- Supports any SwiftUI Views as items
- Requires a minimum version of iOS 15

## Installation

You can install SwiftyCarousel using Swift Package Manager.

dependencies: [
    .package(url: "https://github.com/razvanrujoiu/SwiftyCarousel.git", from: "1.0.0")


Import SwiftyCarousel

import SwiftyCarousel

Create a SwiftyCarousel

struct ContentView: View {
    let items: [AnyView] // Make sure items conform to View
    let cardWidth: CGFloat
    let cardHeight: CGFloat
    let spacing: CGFloat
    let inactiveCardHeight: CGFloat
    let inactiveCardWidth: CGFloat
    let cardCornerRadius: CGFloat
    let showPagingIndicator: Bool
    let pagingIndicatorActiveColor: Color
    let pagingIndicatorInactiveColor: Color
    let pagingIndicatorSize: CGFloat

    var body: some View {
            items: items,
            cardWidth: cardWidth,
            cardHeight: cardHeight,
            spacing: spacing,
            inactiveCardHeight: inactiveCardHeight,
            inactiveCardWidth: inactiveCardWidth,
            cardCornerRadius: cardCornerRadius,
            showPagingIndicator: showPagingIndicator,
            pagingIndicatorActiveColor: pagingIndicatorActiveColor,
            pagingIndicatorInactiveColor: pagingIndicatorInactiveColor,
            pagingIndicatorSize: pagingIndicatorSize


let sampleItems: [AnyView] = [

struct ContentView: View {
    var body: some View {
            items: sampleItems,
            cardWidth: 300,
            cardHeight: 200,
            spacing: 16,
            inactiveCardHeight: 180,
            inactiveCardWidth: 30,
            cardCornerRadius: 12,
            showPagingIndicator: true,
            pagingIndicatorActiveColor: .blue,
            pagingIndicatorInactiveColor: .gray,
            pagingIndicatorSize: 8

The above example will result in


items: [AnyView]

An array of SwiftUI Views that will be displayed in the carousel. Ensure that each item conforms to the View protocol.

cardWidth: CGFloat

The width of each card in the carousel.

cardHeight: CGFloat

The height of each card in the carousel.

spacing: CGFloat

The spacing between the cards.

inactiveCardHeight: CGFloat

The height of inactive cards for the zoom in/out effect when swiping between cards.

inactiveCardWidth: CGFloat

Adjusts the carousel spacing by specifying the width of inactive cards.

cardCornerRadius: CGFloat

The radius of the cards.

showPagingIndicator: Bool

A flag to show/hide the paging indicator.

pagingIndicatorActiveColor: Color

The color of the active paging indicator dot.

pagingIndicatorInactiveColor: Color

The color of the inactive paging indicator dots.

pagingIndicatorSize: CGFloat

The size of the paging indicator dots.


SwiftyCarousel is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.