
Streamlined and automated management software for running jobs in runtime-restricted environments

GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

Documentation for the Submit Daemon FireDeamon for Use in a Runtime-Restricted Envorinment --- Torsten Sachse

Content Description: This document serves as documentation of the submit daemon called FireDeamon created over the course of my Ph.D.-Thesis. It elaborates on the daemon's working principle and what functionallity it provides. There is also a section that only explains how to use the daemon.

Copyright Notice: Copyright (c) 2017 Torsten Sachse torsten.sache@uni-jena.de. This software is licensed under the GNU General Public License v3. See the file COPYING for license details.


You can get FireDeamon easily if you have "git" installed by executing

git clone git://github.com/razziel89/FireDeamon.git

Now go into the directory and see the file install.sh, which is the script that installs the daemon. Be referred to the content of that file to see what it does, if you are interested. Copy the config file deamonrc to $HOME/.deamonrc and change what you want to change (Do you want e-mail notifications? To what address?). Then, copy the file CONFIG to CONFIG.rc and edit the new file according to the comments within the file. You will have to add information about the software running on the cluster and where you want to install FireDeamon. After having done so, you can execute the install script install.sh. It will only install such jobtypes that are compatible with the selections in CONFIG.rc.

I recommend installing at least Python, OpenBabel, NumPy and SciPy (some of them might even be required for certain functionality). In addition, I recommend installing Gnuplot, PoVRay and VMD for easy evaluation. You should also consider installing ManipulateAggregates (see below for a link).

General Remarks

In computer sciences, the term daemon usually refers to a programme that runs in the background, does not allow for direct interaction with the user but provides some automated functionality that is triggered by certain events. This daemon is written mainly in bash and is designed to run on a system that supports the bash interpreter, e.g., unix clusters. It has only ever been tested on such systems.

This daemon has been developed for the task of computationally screening a wide variety of different molecules for their application in organic photovoltaics, which is both tedious and demanding at the same time. However, it can also be used for a wide variety of ther tasks. A lot of the time, the same jobs would be run over and over again with slightly differing input in order to investigate the effect of, e.g., certain chemical changes in the molecules themselves on the resulting properties (e.g., absorption spectra). This would take up a significant amount of time when managed manually, which cannot be used for less repetitive tasks. Hence, I created this daemon. Please note that calling it deamon instead of daemon is a deliberate typo.

Design Choices

  • Languages: Most of the daemon is written in bash, although technically every language can be used to extend the daemon's functionality as long as the added file can be executed somehow. Scripting languages in general provide the advantage of being more high-level, i.e., complex functionality can be implemented in comparatively little time at the expense of processor time required for execution. For a programme that merely organises computations, I consider this choice adequate.
  • Stupidity: The daemon has been designed to be as stupid as possible, meaning that nothing is actually enforced when creating a new module. To this end, the daemon's definition of a job is kept as simple as possible, i.e., consisting of preparation, execution with possible restarts and, last but not least, postprocessing with none of the aforementioned four steps being mandatory. This also means that the daemon does not hover and wait for a certain step of a multi-step computation to finish to start the next step. It expects the previous step to prepare the next step upon successful termination and submit the new job.
  • Jobtype Basis: The daemon thinks in jobtypes. A jobtype comprises a (possibly multi-stranded) chain of computations that belong together (for instance because all the results of the corresponding computations are needed to draw a comprehensive picture of the problem at hand) content-wise. Each single job that belongs to the jobtype is managed by modules and can have a module for each of preparation, restarting and postprocessing.
  • Command Line: The daemon consists of command line utilities because this allows for easy batch processing.

Current Functionality

This section quickly describes the current functionality of the daemon. It will not go into details about any of the basic ideas of, e.g., quantum chemistry. Please be referred to an online search for that. Currently, GPU support will disable multi-node support. The following jobtypes are currently supported, including their requirements (dependencies not included in the lists):

  • CI-Search: an ab initio search for a conical intersection using TeraChem
  • ConformerSearch: search for a molecule's rotamers using OpenBabel
  • CTP: a charge-transport simulation using Gaussian, ManipulateAggregates, OpenBabel and VOTCA-CTP
  • energy: a single-point calculation using TeraChem
  • EnergyScan: predict aggregate geometries using ManipulateAggregates and OpenBabel
  • frequency: a frequency calculation using TeraChem
  • gradient: a gradient calculation using TeraChem
  • HOMOLUMO: extract frontier orbital energies using TeraChem by first performing a geometry optimization and then a single point calculation together with a reference molecule to get energy differences between the frontier orbital energies of both molecules
  • initcond: create a so-called initial condition (similar to frequency but results are mass-weighed) using TeraChem
  • IonizationPotential: compute the ionization potential and electron affinity via a delta-SCF method using TeraChem
  • mdcrd2xyz: convert a mdcrd file (AMBER trajectory) to xyz format using mdtraj
  • minimize: a quantum chemistry geometry optimization using TeraChem
  • OmegaTuning: determine the best range-separation parameter for a molecule using TeraChem and ManipulateAggregates
  • PotentialPlot: create files that can be used by ManipulateAggregates to create plots of electrostatic potential distributions on different molecular surfaces using ManipulateAggregates and OpenBabel
  • SH: perform a surface hopping calculation using NewtonX
  • TDDFT: a time-dependent DFT computatiion using TeraChem
  • TDDFTminimize: like minimize but for an excited state
  • TeraChemMD: an ab initio molecular dynamics run using TeraChem

Please note that not all of these jobtypes support all four steps. For instance, the jobtype SH does currently not support preprocessing. Currently, the following queueing systems are supported:

  • SGE (Sun Grid Engine)
  • TORQUE (Terascale Open-source Resource and QUEue Manager)
  • SLURM (SLURM workload manager)

Currently, the following computational software is supported (not all software that can technically perform a task can be used by the daemon for that task):

  • TERACHEM (the TeraChem GPU-accelerated quantum chemistry programme, highly recommended)
  • MANIPAGG (ManipulateAggregates - a programme to estimate aggregate geometries and evaluate quantum chemistry data and much more. See https://github.com/razziel89/ManipulateAggregates and also consider it's dependencies
  • OBABEL (OpenBabel - generate conformers and translate between chemical file formats)
  • NEWTONX (surface hopping ab initio dyamics, among other things)
  • GAUSSIAN (a CPU-based quantum chemistry software package, support limited to the CTP jobtype)
  • MDTRAJ (Convert mdcrd-files to xyz-files)
  • VOTCACTP (A software suite that can perform charge transfer simulations)

Order of Script Execution

Before a job can be preprocessed, saved, restarted or postprocessed, the daemon checks whether the corresponding module is present. This can either be a directory called $ACTIONdir/$jobtype.$ACTION.d or a single file called $ACTIONdir/$jobtype.$ACTION. Here, $ACTIONdir is the directory containing all scripts for the corresponding action, $ACTION is the corresponding action (e.g. preprocess) and $jobtype is the type of the job. If none of these are found, the daemon considers the jobtype to not be implemented on the current host (it might be implemented in the daemon but the content of CONFIG.rc might not say that required software is installed).

How to Use

This section describes how to use the daemon once it has been installed. Before reading this, it is recommended (but by no means required) to familiarize yourself with the folder structure of the daemon directory and the daemon deamon.sh itself to get to know the basic workflow. This section will describe the most important files and directories that comprise the daemon and the naming convention deemed appropriate for everything.

Naming Conventions

So far, the naming convention in the repository is quite simple. If you see a file or directory ending in something like QM=GAUSSIAN.OP=MANIPAGG.OP=OBABEL.OP=VOTCACTP, it means that whatever functionality is contained within requires MANIPAGG, OBABEL and VOTCACTP to be set to supported in CONFIG.rc, the first one in the section QM and the last two in the section OP. If a file ends in something like QS=SGE,TORQUE, it means that either SGE or TORQUE are required. If a file ends in something like QS:SGE,TORQUE, it means that the functionality contained within does work with neither SGE nor TORQUE. Files whose names indicate requirements that are not met by CONFIG.rc will not be copied over during installation. Furthermore, the two letters .d at the end of a name or directly before the requirements definition means that you are looking at a directory. In the directories preprocess, restart and postprocess this convention is required to differentiate between executing something directly or executing every executable in the directory in succession.

For the files created during the preprocess step, I follow the following naming conventions:

Name of File or Part of Filename Description
NAME.JOBTYPE.submit.sh - script to be submitted to the cluster's queue, i.e., the one organizing the computation
NAME - an arbitrary string, has to be ASCII without spaces or newlines, used by the user to identify the computation
JOBTYPE - the jobtype assigned to the job organized by this script, used by the daemon to select appropriate preprocessing, restarting and postprocessing procedures
submit.sh - the mandatory suffix determining the type of file (here: a submit script)
NAME.JOBTYPE.tc_input - TeraChem input deck
NAME.EXT - a geometry file that contains the molecule / aggregate / arrangement of atoms to be used in the computation
JOBTYPE.preprocess - script that prepares all the necessary files for a computation and submits a script of the type submit.sh (all located in the preprocess subdirectory)
JOBTYPE.preprocess.d - a directory containing files to be executed in order that do the same as an equivalent JOBTYPE.preprocess
JOBTYPE.restart - similar to JOBTYPE.preprocess but performs a restart of a calculation that was killed because it ran out of time (all located in the restart subdirectory)
JOBTYPE.postprocess - similar to JOBTYPE.preprocess but postprocesses a calculation (all located in the postprocess subdirectory)
JOBTYPE.master - similar to JOBTYPE.postprocess but postprocesses only a master once every slave has finished (all located in the postprocess subdirectory)

Important Scripts, Files and Directories

This section describes some of the most useful scripts that comprise the daemon. Scripts that are useful for manual postprocessing of computations or other data will also be listed. The following table details scripts that allow for user interaction. All of them will print a useful help message when given the command line option --help. Be referred to that help message for more information than given here. The name in brackets, if given, is the actual file and the name without brackets is only a sybmolic link whose name is shorter making it easier to use.

Name of File (Long Name) Description
change_jobtype - allows for changing the jobtype of a single job that is identified by its job-id
demail (send_email_via_deamon) - allows sending emails to the e-mail address that is used by the daemon for notification
dkill (stop_deamon) - terminate the daemon if possible
dqdel (kill_job_via_deamon) - given a set of space-separated job-ids, the daemon will terminate those jobs
dqsub (submit_job_to_deamon) - submit a job that is fully configured using a deamon_config and a geometry file
dscriptqsub (submit_script_to_deamon) - submit a job to the daemon that is not configured by a deamon_config-file but its own script instead
dstart (start_deamon) - if you ever have to start the daemon manually, this script will do the trick
resource_deamonrc - will cause the daemon to read in its config files again, should be used if changes to the config files were made but the daemon shall not be restarted
softmutation (softmutation.sh) - will displace/distort a geometry (xyz-file) along one of its normal modes

The following table details scripts that do not allow for user interaction as well as other important files, such as several config files. Please see comments in the files themselves for further information.

Name of Script Description
deamon.sh - the main daemon programme itself that organizes all the jobs
deamonrc - the default config file that determines things like notifications and email-addresses, you can have a customized copy in your home directory which overrides the default one
install.sh - install and reinstall the daemon
sh.vim - a config file for my most favourite text editor vim that allows for proper syntax highlighting of the deamon_config files
sge_wrapper - a wrapper for all the functionality associated with the different queueing systems to be able to treat every system the same (there is one file for every supported queueing system)

The following table details all the directories that comprise the daemon. Some files are required to reside in the corresponding directory, e.g. all files related to postprocessing need to be in the folder postprocess.

Name of Directory Description
deamon_config.d - the directory containing all the parts that make up the main/default config file for a job that is to be run by the daemon
deamon_functions.d - the directory containing all the parts that make up the file that defines many functions that are used excessively during preprocessing, postprocessing and restarting jobs
executables.default.d - the directory containing all the parts that make up the file that defines how executables should be accessed for the individual jobtypes
postprocess - contains module files and directories to postprocess a job
preprocess - contains module files and directories to preprocess a job
restart - contains module files and directories to restart a job
savedata - contains module files and directories to save a job's data (GENERIC used if none present for module)
scripts - some important scripts as described in the above table are contained within
submit_scripts - contains most of the scripts allowing for user interaction as described in the above table
exe - contains all the scripts (or symlinks) that are useful to have directly available (this directory, once installed, should be in your $PATH)
relations - when executing jobtypes one after the other using dqsub's --multi-conf, --multi-geom, --reap and --sow switches, the files and directories in this directory describe how the output of one is used as the input for the next one
fast_deamon - this directory contains a C++ programme that is used to determine the state a job is currently in depending on its state reported by the queueing system and the time (will be compiled upon installation, uses much CPU when done in Bash)
FIRE_DEAMON_DIRECTORY - the directory wherein the daemon is installed (not where the repository is located), stored in an environmental variable and exported in your $HOME/.bashrc
DEAMON_PIPE - the location of the file used to communicate with the daemon, stored in an environmental variable and exported in your $HOME/.bashrc

Multi Executable Functionality

Imagine a case where you run a computation using a programme called prog in version 1.0 to which I will refer as p1. New functionality has been added to p2 which is the same programme in version 2.0. You often perform two different tasks T1 and T2. T2 strongly benefits from the new functionality in p2 but some of the functionality you need for T1 is unfortunately broken in p2 so you want to use p2 for T2 and p1 for T1. However, T1 and T2 are quite similar and have so far been prepared by the same preprocess script. I don't think it's desirable to make an altered copy of the preprocess script and hard-code the executable. Instead, it would be better to be able to use different executables as you see fit without having to alter any preprocess script.

I realized this scenario in the following way. Whenever a job is preprocessed, restarted or postprocessed, the file deamon_functions in the main daemon's installation directory is sourced. This file was created from a lot of snippets in deamon_functions.d during installation. Depending on the environmental variable executables (which can be defined in a deamon_config file), the following is being done:

  • source default executable definitions in $FIRE_DEAMON_DIRECTORY/executables.default
  • look for the directory with the user's definitions of executables $HOME/.deamonrc.d
  • if found, see whether the file $HOME/.deamonrc.d/$executables exists
  • if so, source it
  • source the function definitions in $FIRE_DEAMON_DIRECTORY/deamon_functions where the stuff that has been sourced from the above files is used

Combining Multiple Jobs Into One Result

Sometimes it is required to combine the results of multiple computations into one bigger picture. Take the jobtype OmegaTuning for example: several single point calculations for several values of the range-separation parameter are performed to determine the optimum value of that parameter for the system at hand. This is realized in two ways:

  • Among a set of computations that are submitted, one is called a master and all the others are slaves (see the --help message of the script command_start for some more details). For each job in this set, the ordinary postprocessing is performed. Once that has been done for all jobs in the set, the master's .master postprocess script is also being executed in the mater's directory. This .master postprocess script has to fulfill the same naming convention as the ordinary postprocess script but with the word postprocess replaced by the word master.
  • A computation can prepare another one (or several) during its postprocessing step and can also submit it. This way, for instance, a geometry optimization can be performed that automatically starts a frequency calculation or the computation of absorption spectra afterwards for the optimized geometry.