
🍺 Scaffolding your Chrome extension! Boilerplates: react \ vue \ svelte \ solid \ preact \ alpine \ lit \ stencil \ inferno \ vanilla

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Create Chrome Extension (.crx)


OSCS Status npm npm-download GitHub Language Count npm publish

Scaffolding your chrome extension, multiple boilerplates supported!

  • 🚀 Lightning Fast HMR(use Vite2)
  • 🥡 Out of Box
  • 🌈 Multiple Frontend Framework Supported (9+)
  • 🥢 Multiple Language Supported (TypeScript & JavaScript)
  • 🧶 Optimized Builds
  • 🌗 Light & Dark Mode

EN · 中文


Node >= 14.18.0

# use npm-create command, or use pnpm | yarn
λ npm create chrome-ext

# or use npx command
λ npx create-chrome-ext

# or use npm-init command
λ npm init chrome-ext


You can also directly specify the project name and the template you want to use via additional command line options. For example, to scaffold a Vite + Svelte project, run:

# npm 6.x
λ npm create chrome-ext@latest my-crx-app --template svelte-js

# or npm 7+, extra double-dash is needed:
λ npm create chrome-ext@latest my-crx-app -- --template react-ts

# or yarn
λ yarn create chrome-ext my-crx-app --template vue-ts

# or pnpm
λ pnpm create chrome-ext my-crx-app --template vanilla-ts

You can also generator the project with crx cli, run:

λ npm install create-chrome-ext --global

# and then
λ crx my-crx-app
# or
λ crx my-crx-app --template preact-js
# or use create-chrome-exe (global env)
λ create-chrome-ext my-crx-app

Supported Templates

framework presets include:

React · Vue · Svelte · Preact · Solid · Alpine · Lit · Inferno · Stencil · Vanilla

languages supported:

JavaScript · TypeScript


crx-run crx-install crx-build