
User management on a github page using OAuth.io

Primary LanguageHTML

OAuth.io - User management Demo




You need to enable the feature in your OAuth.io dashboard in the users tab. For that, you need to get API Key from stormpath and copy paste them in OAuth.io.

Install the OAuth.io javascript SDK from the branch feature/refactoring: https://github.com/oauth-io/oauth-js/tree/feature/refactoring


With email/password

User.signup(data).done(function(user) {
    //todo with `user`

data is an object that must contains:

  • email
  • password
  • firstname
  • lastname

You can add other data if you wish (free structure).


   email: 'john.doe@gmail.com',
   password: 'St0ngP4ssw0rd',
   firstname: 'John',
   lastname: 'Doe',
   company: 'X Corp',
   age: 47
}).done(function(user) {
   //here, your user is logged in
}).fail(function(err) {
   //todo with `err`

With social logins

OAuth.popup(provider).then(function(res) {
    return User.signup(res)
}).done(function(user) {
   //here, your user is logged in
}).fail(function(err) {
   //todo with `err`

provider is the name of a provider on OAuth.io as facebook, twitter, google and 100+ others.

The provider need to have the User API enabled to work properly (you can see it when you add a new provider in your OAuth.io Dashbaord).

Handling errors

Some provider don't give their user's email in their API (it's the case of Twitter for instance). So, you have to ask your user his email manually and setup the email like this:

OAuth.popup('twitter').then(function(twitter) {
    twitter.email = "john.doe@gmail.com";
    return User.signup(twitter);
}).done(function(user) {
    //todo with `user`


With email/password

User.signin(email, password).done(function(user) {

With social logins

OAuth.popup(provider).then(function(res) {
    return User.signin(res);
}).done(function(user) {
}).fail(function(err) {
    //todo with err

Get the connected user

From cache

var user = User.getIdentity();

From the API

User.refreshIdentity().done(function(user) {
    //todo with `user`

Know if the user is authenticated

if (User.isLogged()) {
    //todo with authenticated user
else {
    //todo with unauthenticated user

Update your user data

var user = User.getIdentity()
user.data.firstname = 'Thomas';
user.save().done(function() {
    //todo when saved
}).fail(function(err) {
    //handle `err``

Add all custom data you want

var user = User.getIdentity();
user.data.someData = {
    a: 42,
    b: "some string"

Reset password (or lost password)

User.resetPassword(email).done(function() {
    //email sent to the user containing a key

User.confirmResetPassword(newPassword, key);

Change password

var user = User.getIdentity();
user.changePassword(oldPassword, newPassword);

Attach social identity to an account

var user = User.getIdentity();
OAuth.popup('google').then(function(google) {
   return user.addProvider(google);
}).done(function() {
   //provider attached
   //Your user are now able to signin with Google

The list of providers attached to an account

From cache

var user = User.getIdentity();

From the API

var user = User.getIdentity();
user.getProviders().done(function(providers) {


var user = User.getIdentity();
user.logout().done(function() {
   //todo when logout