My progress to master FrontEnd interviews. Gonna learn and update the repo until I am good at it.
This repo is on , thanks Github Pages
- What happens when you click a link on a webpage
- How Browsers Render a Website
- What is DOM?
- Cookies & Sessions
- Cookies vs LocalStorage vs SessionStorage
- What is OAuth?
- What is HTML Event Capturing vs Event Bubbling (Delegation)
- Common DOM Properties and Methods
- Scroll Event
- Check User Activity On a Page
- Memory Management
- Event Loop
- Event Driven Architecture
- Event Emitter Usage
- Implement Event Emitter
- Self-invoking/Immediate function
- Closure
- What is 'this'
- Class vs Prototype
- Prototype & Prototype Chain
- Apply vs Call vs Bind
- Hoist
- Coercion and == vs ===
- AMD, CommonJS, ES2015+
- Child Process
- Cluster
- Singleton
- Middleware
- const, let, var
- Callback vs Promise vs Generator vs Async/wait
- Currying
- Mixins
- Array Map
- Array Reduce
- Array Filter
- Array Flatten
- Array ForEach
- Objects Merge
- PubSub
- PubSub vs Observer
- Heap
- Min Queue
- Sleep
- Promise
- Fetch
- Observable
- Debouncing
- Throttling/Rate Limiting
- Clear All Timeouts
- Infinite Scroll
- Virtual Dom
- Fetch Timeout with Retry
- Server-Sent Events
- Accordion
- Carousel
- Instagram Create Poll
- Game of Life
- Multiselect Tableview
- Debounced Searchbar
- Images at Corners
- CSV Viewer