
Ft_containers project for Codam Coding College

Primary LanguageC++


The multiple available containers in C++ all have a very different usage. To make sure you understand them all, let’s re-implement them!

Project summary

5th ring Codam project

In this project you will implement the various container types of the C++ standard template library. For each container, turn in the appropriately named class files. The namespace will always be ft and your containers will be tested using ft::. You need to respect the structure of the reference container. If it’s missing a part of the Coplien form, do not implement it. As a reminder, we are coding in C++98, so any new feature of the containers MUST NOT be implemented, but every old feature (even deprecated) is expected.

Technical considerations

The project needs to comply with the following rules/functionalities.

  • Implement the following containers, and turn in the necessary files .hpp
  • You must also provide a main.cpp which tests everything for your evaluations.
  • The member function get_allocator is not expected here, the remaining member functions are. Non-member overloads are expected aswell.
  • If the container has an iterator system, you must reimplent it.
  • You can use https://www.cplusplus.com/ as a reference of what to implement.
  • You cannot implement more public functions than the ones offered in the standard containers. Everything else must be private or protected. Each public function/- variable must be justified.
  • For non-member overloads, the keyword friend is allowed. Each use of friend must be justified and will be checked during evaluation.

File structure

│   ├── UTILS
│   │   ├── BiDirectionalIterator.hpp
│   │   ├── listNode.hpp
│   │   ├── mapNode.hpp
│   │   ├── Pair.hpp
│   │   ├── RandomAccessIterator.hpp
│   │   └── Traits.hpp
│   ├── List.hpp
│   ├── Map.hpp
│   ├── Queue.hpp
│   ├── Stack.hpp
│   └── Vector.hpp
│   ├── catch.cpp
│   ├── catch.hpp
│   ├── 0_main.cpp
│   ├── 1_Bidirectionaliterator_test.cpp
│   ├── 2_RandomAccessIterator_test.cpp
│   ├── 3_list_test.cpp
│   ├── 4_vector_test.cpp
│   ├── 5_queue_test.cpp
│   ├── 6_stack_test.cpp
│   └── 7_map_test.cpp
├── CMakeList.txt
└── Makefile


Run the following commands in the terminal

$ https://github.com/rbakker96/ft_containers.git ft_containers
$ cd ft_containers

-> Using CMakeList.txt
-> Use 'Run' button to test all testcases at once or edit 
   debug configurations to specify on label ([list], [map], ect.)

-> Using Makefile
$ make
$ ./ft_container                    (test all testcases at once)
$ ./ft_container "[list]"           (test specific container)
$ ./ft_container "[list]" "[map]"   (test specific selection of container)

Used resources

Most noteworthy resources used during this project