Missing licence
sergiubologa opened this issue · 7 comments
Hello @denniske,
I'd like to ask about licensing for this plugin, why is it missing? If there's no license it's not really open source and we can't use it in enterprise software.
Thanks in advance.
Hi, no problem. I have added a license now: https://github.com/denniske/ngx-translate-multi-http-loader/blob/master/LICENSE
Thanks! Greatly appreciated!
Could you maybe cut a new tag as well?
I see the license is added but the latest version on npmjs is still 7.0.2 without the license.
@anatolie-darii Sure, I have published 7.0.3.
@denniske although everything seems in order code wise, looks like npmjs still reports the package as having no license :(
@anatolie-darii I have added the corresponding field to the package.json in the libs folder. It should be shown on npmjs now.
@denniske Thanks for the prompt response. Works now! 🎉