A loader for ngx-translate that loads translations with http calls
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Missing missing-translate-handler support
#36 opened by work933k - 0
perf(mergeDeep): use from ngx-translate
#35 opened by rbalet - 2
HttpBackend mistakes in angular 18+
#34 opened by Rober9614 - 0
ci: codecov
#33 opened by rbalet - 4
Use with standalone components
#32 opened by mtabaj - 4
TypeError: values.at is not a function
#30 opened by robin3190 - 0
ERROR TypeError: values.at is not a function
#31 opened by robin3190 - 2
Add support for Angular 16
#29 opened by shipengqi - 1
can't resolve
#28 opened by itcozum - 3
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Feature: optional resources
#24 opened by AntoninoBonanno - 4
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Fail the dependency on RXJS
#22 opened by michele-cassani - 6
Can't make it work other than in app module
#20 opened by mtabaj - 4
deepmerge dependency causes a warning
#17 opened by ebussieres - 1
JSON not loaded
#19 opened by EricSch - 6
Use with angular 14
#14 opened by mtabaj - 5
Property 'getTranslation' in type 'MultiTranslateHttpLoader' is not assignable to the same property in base type 'TranslateLoader
#15 opened by peddikishore - 0
- 20
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Missing licence
#11 opened by sergiubologa - 2
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Ivy distribution
#9 opened by mtabaj - 5
- 1
How to map the translation files reference to any one module and use them in any other lazy module without being downloaded multiple times
#8 opened by peddikishore - 1
TranslateService.instant does not work
#6 opened by santhoshda - 7
The loader tries to load unneeded files, causes 404 errors in the browser and doesn't merge the files correctly.
#4 opened by codehan-de - 2
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