
A procedural macro jsx compiler

Primary LanguageRust


A procedural macro for compiling jsx into a DomElement type


#![feature(proc_macro, proc_macro_non_items)]

extern crate jsx_types;
extern crate jsx_macro;

let on_click: Box<jsx_types::EventHandler> = Box::new(|_| println!("foo!"));
let subtitle = "This is a subtitle";
let dom = jsx!(<div foo="bar">
  <h1 OnClick={on_click}>This title is clickable</h1>
  <div class="subtitle">{ subtitle }</div>

Crate Organization


  • This is the main crate, which exports the jsx! and jsx_verbose! macros.


  • This macro exports all of the used types: HtmlToken, DomElement, EventName, Event, EventHandler, Attributes and EventHandlers.


  • Tests the jsx_macro crate.


  • Add RustDoc docs
  • DomElement.event_handlers is not done correctly. For example, an OnClick handlers and an OnMouseOver handlers should receive different events. Thus, DomElement should have separate, optional fields, e.g.:
pub type DomElement {
  // ... other fields
  on_click: Option<Box<FnOnce(ClickEvent) -> ()>>,
  on_mouseover: Option<Box<FnOnce(MouseEvent) -> ()>>,
  • There should be also be a builder-pattern constructor for DomElement.
  • Integrate with a wasm full-stack app.
  • Other methods: to_inner_html and the like.
  • Spacing on multiline idents and such


Follow along with the presentation and with the video. The code that is current at the time of the presentation was tag v7, but you should have no trouble following along with master (as of July 8th).