
This repository has been deprecated in favor of create-smithy-app!

This repository makes it easy to build, launch and deploy Smithy apps.

Let's assume your Smithy project is in a folder called ~/my-smithy-project, exposes a pub fn start(root_element: web_sys::Element) and has an appropriate Makefile. For a more complete discussion of the requirements, see this section.

Throughout this, we will assume you are using rustc 1.32.0-nightly, although hopefully it will work with other versions. The wasm32-unknown-unknown target must also be installed.

Initial setup

# from ~
git clone
cd smithy-app-server

Building and running locally

In one terminal:

# from ~/smithy-app-server
TARGET=../my-smithy-project/ npm run serve

In another:

# from ~/smithy-app-server
TARGET=../my-smithy-project/ npm run watch

Don't forget to change my-smithy-project to the name of your project.

Now, navigate to localhost:8080.

Building and deploying

Register an AWS S3 bucket, let's say my-smithy-project, and make sure wasm-opt is availabe in your $PATH.

In your terminal:

# from ~/smithy-app-server
TARGET=../my-smithy-project/ npm run build_prod
# N.B. if the above doesn't work, try passing WASM_OPT_LOCATION=../path-to-wasm-opt-binary, as in:
# WASM_OPT_LOCATION=../binaryen/bin/ TARGET=../my-smithy-project/ npm run build_prod
NODE_ENV=production TARGET=../my-smithy-project/ npm run webpack
S3_BUCKET=my-smithy-project npm run upload

Now, the latest build has been uploaded to your S3 bucket!

Smithy app requirements

The easiest way to get a Smithy app up and running is to clone the starter project and modify that:

# from ~
git clone
# TODO actually make a starter project

In order to build for production, wasm-opt (from the binaryen project) must be accessible in your $PATH variable. If it is located in a different location, pass the WASM_OPT_LOCATION environment variable. This is not required if you are just running your app locally.

Requirements, in detail

(At least) the following is required:

  • The Cargo.toml has
crate-type = ["cdylib"]

wasm-bindgen = { version = "< 0.2.39", features = ["nightly", "serde-serialize"] }
smithy = { path = "../smithy/crates/smithy", features = [
  # "mouse-events",
  # "input-events",
  # "debug-logs",
] }
web-sys = { version = "0.3.5", features = [
] }
js-sys = "0.3.5"

"proc-macro2:0.4.27" = { git = "" }

That last [replace] section is important and required!

  • The Makefile exposes watch, build and build_prod recipes.
  • The src/ file exposes a method named start as follows:
pub fn start(root_element: web_sys::Element) {
  // do whatever you want