
This SDK contains all the logic and connection methods to Sales Layer’s customizable API.

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Sales Layer SDK for PHP

This SDK contains all the logic and connection methods to Sales Layer’s customizable API. And you can find more detailed documentation at our website.


if (!class_exists('SalesLayer_Conn')) require_once 'SalesLayer-Conn.php';

$connector_id = 'CN000H0000C000';
$secret_key   = 'f035324ba8f98a6f33c05ee1ce36ef29';

// Instantiate the class
$SLconn = new SalesLayer_Conn($connector_id, $secret_key);



if ($SLconn->has_response_error()) {

	echo "<h4>Error:</h4>\n\n Code: ".$SLconn->get_response_error().
		 "<br>\nMessage: ".           $SLconn->get_response_error_message();

} else {

	echo "<h4>Response OK</h4>\n".
		 "API version: <b>".            $SLconn->get_response_api_version()            ."</b><br />\n".
		 "Action: <b>".                 $SLconn->get_response_action()                 ."</b><br />\n".
		 "Time: <b>".                   $SLconn->get_response_time()                   ."</b> (GMT 0)<br />\n".
         "Default language: <b>".       $SLconn->get_response_default_language()       ."</b><br /><br />\n".

		 "Information:<br />".  print_r($SLconn->get_response_table_information(), 1)  ."<br /><br />\n".

		 "Modified ID's:<br />".print_r($SLconn->get_response_table_modified_ids(), 1) ."<br /><br />\n".

		 "Deleted ID's:<br />". print_r($SLconn->get_response_table_deleted_ids(), 1)  ."<br /><br />\n".

		 "Data:<br />".         print_r($SLconn->get_response_table_data(), 1)         ."<br /><br />\n".

         "List files:<br />".   print_r($SLconn->get_response_list_modified_files(), 1)."<br /><br />\n".

