A python script for plotting Star Maps with data from the Skyfield API. This outputs a customisable poster in PNG format.
This script takes an input of geographic location, based on a decimal Lat/Long, and a time. Using the Skyfield API it generates a projection of star postions relative to this vantage point in XY coordinates, where the origin would be directly above the location. A circular limit is imposed as the horizon, and the apparent magnitude of stars is also used to limit the data. From this a scatter graph is created with circular marker size based on star magnitude. This forms a star map. Star names/Constellation names/Constellation star data are imported so that labels and constellation lines can be added to the final plot. Planets can also be added to the plot.
To create the poster: The plot is manipulated to remove standard graph features (such as axes); the background is changed; a dial overlay is added; additional text can be added; the final image is then output as a PNG.
Independantly customisable features for the poster are: Star data (location/time); star data to show (just stars/stars and cons. lines/ stars lines and labels); the outer background colour; the inner background colour; the dial colour; the additional text colour; plot feature colour (stars/lines/labels); additional text content; additional text location; whether to include planets; whether to include planet labels or key.
There is an example PNG available.