SoulverCore is a framework that lets you evaluate day-to-day mathematical expressions. It powers the popular notepad-calculator app Soulver. It has a very simple API with sensible defaults. It is also quite customizable. You can also access SoulverCore via a web-based API.
- Xcode 11+
- Swift 5+
SoulverCore is distributed as a binary framework (.xcframework) and supports macOS, iOS, & iPadOS.
- macOS 10.14.4+
- iOS/iPadOS 12.2+
Drag SoulverCore.xcframework
into the Frameworks, Libraries, and Embedded Content
section of the General settings for your Mac or iOS target.
To calculate the result of a single expression, use a Calculator
import SoulverCore
let calculator = Calculator(customization: .standard)
let result = calculator.evaluate("123 + 456")
print("The answer is \(result.stringValue)") // prints 579
SoulverCore has a lot of features apart from basic arithmetic. These include unit conversions, date & calendar calculations, rate calculations, percentage phrase functions, and time zone conversions. It also cleverly ignores "meaningless" words:
calculator.evaluate("$10 for lunch + 15% tip") // $11.50
calculator.evaluate("65 kg in pounds") // 154.32 lb
calculator.evaluate("40 as % of 90") // 25%
calculator.evaluate("$150 is 25% on what") // $120
calculator.evaluate("$25/hour * 14 hours of work") // $350.00
calculator.evaluate("January 30 2020 + 3 months 2 weeks 5 days") // 19 May
calculator.evaluate("9:35am in New York to Japan") // 10:35 pm
calculator.evaluate("$25k over 10 years at 7.5%") // $51,525.79 (compound interest)
Use a VariableList
to customize variables in your expression:
let variableList = VariableList(variables:
Variable(name: "a", value: "123"),
Variable(name: "b", value: "456"),
calculator.evaluate("a + b", with: variableList) // 579
Use a FormattingPreferences
to customize the formatting of your result.
var formattingPreferences = FormattingPreferences()
formattingPreferences.dp = 2 // decimal places
calculator.formattingPreferences = formattingPreferences
calculator.calculate("π") // 3.14
You can add custom units to an EngineCustomization
var customization: EngineCustomization = .standard
customization.customUnits = [
CustomUnit(name: "parrots", definition: 15, equivalentUnit: .centimeters),
CustomUnit(name: "python", definition: 570, equivalentUnit: .centimeters)
let calculator = Calculator(customization: customization)
calculator.calculate("1 python in parrots") // 38 parrots
SoulverCore respects the decimal separator and thousands separator of the current locale. Alternatively, convert the standard EngineCustomization to another locale:
let europeanLocale = Locale(identifier: "en_DE") // In Germany a comma is used as the decimal separator
let localizedCustomization = EngineCustomization.standard.convertTo(locale: europeanLocale)
let calculator = Calculator(customization: localizedCustomization)
calculator.calculate("1,2 + 3,4") // 4,6
Use a LineCollection
to represent a list of lines to be evaluated. The LineCollection
creates its own calculator, though you can still pass in your own customization.
let multiLineText =
a = 10
b = 20
c = a + b
let lineCollection = LineCollection(multiLineText:
multiLineText, customization: .standard)
// Calculate the result of each line (synchronously)
// Use subscripts to get access to particular lines' results
let result = lineCollection[2].result // 30
A line collection manages dependencies between lines. You can also get a "reference" to a line. A reference is a single unicode character, which is a placeholder for the line's answer (which will be substituted in during evaluation).
let multiLineText =
let lineCollection = LineCollection(multiLineText:
multiLineText, customization: .standard)
let referenceToFirstLine = lineCollection.makeReferenceForLineAt(lineIndex: 0)
let referenceToSecondLine = lineCollection.makeReferenceForLineAt(lineIndex: 1)
lineCollection.addLine("\(referenceToFirstLine) + \(referenceToSecondLine)")
// Calculate the result of each line
print(lineCollection[2].result!.stringValue) // 30
The standard customization comes with rates for 170 real-world currencies, that were accurate at the time the framework was last compiled. You can update these currencies to the latest rates by setting valid API key credentials for CurrencyLayer and Nomics on the shared CurrencyList. Alternatively use the .popular
default currency set to pull 33 currency rates from the European Central Bank, no API key required.
To fetch the latest rates, use SoulverCore's shared CurrencyList
CurrencyList.shared.defaultCurrencySet = .popular // 33 popular currencies from the ECB, updated every weekday.
CurrencyList.shared.refreshRates { (success) in
if success {
// The standard customization will now have the latest currency rates applied
let calculator = Calculator(customization: .standard)
let result = calculator.calculate("10 USD in EUR")
SoulverCore is localized into German, Russian, and simplified Chinese.
SoulverCore supports Carthage. Add the following binary dependency to your Cartfile:
binary ""
Explore Soulver's documentation for more information on supported syntaxes.
- Soulver - a popular notepad calculator for macOS
- Lacona - a powerful natural language assistant/launcher for macOS
- Toolbox Pro - calculate with Soulver as part of your Siri Shortcuts on iOS
You may use SoulverCore in personal/private projects. Please email us if you wish to use SoulverCore in a publicly available or commercial project.