
Java 8, Spring-Boot, Spring-Data-JPA, Mysql, Docker project starter

Primary LanguageJava

Java project Spring-Boot with Google App Engine (Google Cloud Platform)


  • Java 8
  • Spring-boot
  • Spring-Web
  • Spring-Data-JPA
  • Embedded Tomcat
  • App Engine
  • Cloud SQL
  • Docker


Before run project, create Google Cloud Platform Free-Trial account

Google Cloud Platform Free-Trial

Configure Google Account Project

Quickstart for Java in the App Engine Flexible Environment

Create new project Google Developer Apis Console

Google Developer Apis Console

Create Cloud SQL (Mysql) Instance

Google Cloud SQL Page

Clone and build project

git clone https://github.com/elemental-source/gcloud-docker-spring-boot-jpa-starter.git
cd gcloud-docker-spring-boot-jpa-starter
./gradlew clean build

Download GCloud SDK

Google Cloud SDK Client Download

gcloud config set project YOUR_PROJECT_ID
./gradlew appengineDeploy


GET -> https://PROJECT_ID.appspot.com/api/user