
MAI Therapist Files 1 MAI Therapist Files 2 MAI Therapist Files 3 MAI Therapist Files 4 MAI Therapist Files 5 MAI Therapist Files 10 MAI Therapist Files 9 MAI Therapist Files 8 MAI Therapist Files 7 MAI Therapist Files 6

Back-end docs:

Root url :

Current API's:

Description URL
Creates a new patient with given body: POST {rootUrl}/createPatient
Updates the patient with given id with given body PUT ${rootUrl}/updatePatient?id={patientId}
Get only one patient: GET {rootUrl}/getPatient?id={patientId}
Get all patients: GET ${rootUrl}/getPatients


Project setup

We have "yarn" as package manager. In order to setup project, you need to have yarn installed. If it is not installed default, you can install it on your command as

npm install --global yarn

then, go inside to project. Run following command:

yarn install

If terminal wants amplify configuration, you can simply follow instructions in this video :

After installing amplify, you will run this command to run the project on your local.

Compiles and hot-reloads for development

yarn serve

git pull request testing

Styling (UI) Libraries are

Vuetify 3.

Material Design Icons

Compiles and minifies for production

yarn build


Customize configuration

See Configuration Reference.