BATCHBOX ======== A jQuery-based widget for managing an array of objects. Each object's fields are represented by text boxes. The number of fields, name, placeholder text and class can be configured. Rows can also be sortable. The intention is that the whole table gets saved in one go, possibly with other fields in the same form. (Hence "BatchBox".) USAGE ===== // each field supports name, placeholder, label and class // placeholder and class default to the field name var fields = [{name: 'name'}, {name: 'email'}]; var options = { name: 'batchbox', // becomes the id as well as field name prefix 'class': 'batchbox', // added to the table that's generated fields: fields, // required array of objects addLabel: 'add', // value="" for the single add button handleLabel: ' ', // for the <span class="handle"></span> contents deleteLabel: 'delete', // for the <span class="delete"></span> contents headings: false, // also add a thead at the start sortable: true, // add handles and invoke .sortable() on tbody validate: null // see defaultValidate in the code }; // data is optional var data = [ {name: 'Alan Alston', email: ''}, {name: 'Le Roux Bodenstein', email: ''} ]; // append the batchbox to #container $('#container').batchbox(options, data); // serialize the batchbox as an array of [{fieldname: value}] var json = $('#batchbox').batchbox('serialize'); EXAMPLE ======= See test.html