
Prepare a NOOBS Image with some additional stuff (raspbian lite)

Primary LanguageShell

use ansible and a bit scripting to provision a NOOBS image for a raspberry PI.


  • Linux host is needed - but i386/amd64 is ok to prepare the raspbian image
  • qemu-system-arm, qemu-user-static and ansible need to be installed


the script will download noobs and rasbian base image, unpack them and try to use ansible to change the rasbian image.

then the image will be compressed again.


  • change playbook.yaml according to your needs (currently it just installs joe and enables ssh)
  • call build.sh as root (prefix with USE_PLAYBOOKS="xxx.yaml" to add additional playbooks
  • copy unpack directory onto an empty sdcard
  • put it into a raspberry and let it boot
  • wait a few minutes while customized image will be installed