A Python script that converts HTML Files / Templates to Django compatible HTML Templates. Brought to you by : Ohuru
pip install djangify
username@hostname $ djangify -h
usage: djangify.py [-h] [-d [BASE_DIRECTORY]] [-a [APP_NAME]] [f [f ...]]
Converts specified html files or all html files to django format within a
specified directory.
positional arguments:
f provide file names to convert
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-d [BASE_DIRECTORY] Provide base directory
-a [APP_NAME] provide django app name
Converts all the HTML files specified in the files (' f ') argument into Django templates, replacing the contents of 'src', 'href' and 'url' tags with their Django compatible static conterparts with their Django App name prefixed.
To process a set of HTML files, copy the djangify.py script to the directory containing these HTML files, and run the following command, (Here 'blog' refers to the App name for which we are processing these files)
$ djangify -a blog
This command will replace all local files referenced in 'src', 'href' and 'url' tags in the following way :
Original :
<img class="mySlides" src="res/landreg/1.jpg" style="width:100%">
<li><a href="register.html">Register</a></li>
After script execution :
<img class="mySlides" src=" {% static 'blog/res/landreg/1.jpg' %} " style="width:100%">
<li><a href=" {% static 'blog/register.html' %} ">Register</a></li>
The generated files from app Blog
will reside inside Modified_Files