Large-scale contrastive pronoun test set for EN-to-FR

This repository contains a large-scale contrastive test set for the evaluation of the machine translation (MT) of anaphoric pronouns 'it' and 'they' from English to French, created from OpenSubtitles2018 (Lison et al., 2018). It uses the dataset creation and evaluation protocols of ContraPro datasets (Müller et al., 2018), adapted to English-to-French, with some slight modifications to the dataset creation process.


If use you these test sets, please cite the following paper:

António Lopes, M. Amin Farajian, Rachel Bawden, Michael Zhang and André T. Martins. 2020. Document-level Neural MT: A Systematic Comparison. In Proceedings of the 22nd Annual Conference of the European Association for Machine Translation. Lisbon, Portugal. Pages 225–234.

    title={Document-level Neural MT: A Systematic Comparison},
    author={António Lopes and M. Amin Farajian and Rachel Bawden and Michael Zhang and André T. Martins},
    booktitle={Proceedings of the 22nd Annual Conference of the European Association for Machine Translation},
    address={Lisbon, Portugal}

Brief summary

Contrastive test sets are used to test MT models on their capacity to rank a correct translation higher than an incorrect one. The test sets are therefore made up of pairs of translations, one correct and one incorrect (contrastive).

These test sets are designed to evaluate anaphoric pronoun translation from English to French. This concerns selected occurrences of the English pronouns 'it' and 'they' that correspond to the translations 'il', 'elle', 'ils' or 'elles' in the corresponding French translation.

  • it (singular) -> 'il' (masculine) or 'elle' (feminine)
  • they (plural) -> 'ils' (masculine) or 'elles' (feminine)

The correct translation of these English pronouns depends on the translation of the entity they refer to in the French texts (the pronoun's gender must match the gender of the noun they refer to). This noun can appear outside the current sentence, and therefore the test sets also include context. In most cases this will correspond to preceding context.

The details of the creation of the dataset are given below.


To use the test set, first extract sentences for evaluation, then score the extracted sentences and evaluate using the script provided (details below).

The extracted sentences can be found in the extracted/ folders of each dataset, so you do not need to rerun the process. However, be aware that your MT model should not be trained on the same data as used for testing. See OpenSubs/docids.selected for the list of documents included in the test sets.

Extract sentences for evaluation

  1. Prepare OpenSubtitles2018 dataset documents
cd Opensubs
bash scripts/

This script been taken from and adapted to English-French. This will create in the directory a documents/ folder with films structured by year

  1. Extract current sentences and contextual sentences
python scripts/ testset-en-fr.json documents/ OUTPUT_PREFIX -c NUM_CONTEXT

This will produce four files:

  • OUTPUT_PREFIX.context.src - contextual source sentences
  • OUTPUT_PREFIX.context.trg - contextual target sentences
  • OUTPUT_PREFIX.current.src - current source sentences
  • OUTPUT_PREFIX.current.trg - current target sentences

N.B. NUM_CONTEXT is the number of contextual sentences to be written into the context file for each current sentence

Evaluate the sentences

  1. Score each of the current sentences (contrastive ones) using your MT system and output one score per sentence
  2. Evaluate as follows (using the ContraPro evaluation script):
python scripts/ --reference JSON_FILE --scores SCORE_FILE [--maximize]

N.B. use --maximize if higher scores are better and exclude it if lower scores are better.

Dataset creation details

We follow a similar process to the original ContraPro dataset process, with minor modifications:

  1. Instances of 'it' and 'they' and their antecedents are detected using Unlike Müller et al (2018), we only run English coreference dueto a lack of an adequate French tool.
  2. Pronouns are aligned to their French pro-noun translations (il,elle,ilsandelles) usingFastAlign (Dyer et al., 2013)
  3. Examples are filtered to only include sub-ject pronouns (using Spacy5) with a nominalantecedent, aligned to a nominal French an-tecedent matching the French pronoun’s gen-der. We remove examples whose antecedentis more than five sentences away to avoidcases of imprecise coreference resolution.
  4. Contrastive translations are created by inverting the French pronoun gender. As in (Müller et al., 2018), we also modify the gender of words that in with the pronoun (e.g. adjectives and some past participles) using the Lefff lexicon (Sagot, 2010)).

Some statistics

The number of examples for each pronoun-antecedent distance (in number of sentences between the pronoun and its antecedent)

Pronoun 0 1 2 3 4 5
il 1,628 1,094 363 213 127 75
elle 1,658 1,144 356 166 106 70
ils 1,165 1,180 501 302 196 156
elles 1,535 1,148 409 199 128 81