
Algorithms implemented in CUDA + resources about GPGPU

Primary LanguageCuda

Awesome GPGPU

This is a curated list of of examples of using GPU in general-purpose computings, libraries and papers.



Linear algebra

Image processing


  • K Means clustering - Fast Floyd K Means on GPU. Shared memory and two-step reduction (partial and global) are used to implement finding cluster centers [CUDA]

  • Fuzzy C Means clustering - Fuzzy C Means. Shared memory and two-step reduction (partial and global) are used to implement finding cluster centers [CUDA]



  • CUDA is a parallel computing platform and programming model developed by NVIDIA for general computing on graphical processing units (GPUs).

  • Thrust is a powerful library of parallel algorithms and data structures. Thrust provides a flexible, high-level interface for GPU programming that greatly enhances developer productivity. Using Thrust, C++ developers can write just a few lines of code to perform GPU-accelerated sort, scan, transform, and reduction operations orders of magnitude faster than the latest multi-core CPUs. For example, the thrust::sort algorithm delivers 5x to 100x faster sorting performance than STL and TBB.

  • OpenCL is the open, royalty-free standard for cross-platform, parallel programming of diverse processors found in personal computers, servers, mobile devices and embedded platforms. OpenCL greatly improves the speed and responsiveness of a wide spectrum of applications in numerous market categories including gaming and entertainment titles, scientific and medical software, professional creative tools, vision processing, and neural network training and inferencing.

  • Boost.Compute is a GPU/parallel-computing library for C++ based on OpenCL. The core library is a thin C++ wrapper over the OpenCL API and provides access to compute devices, contexts, command queues and memory buffers. On top of the core library is a generic, STL-like interface providing common algorithms (e.g. transform(), accumulate(), sort()) along with common containers (e.g. vector, flat_set). It also features a number of extensions including parallel-computing algorithms (e.g. exclusive_scan(), scatter(), reduce()) and a number of fancy iterators (e.g. transform_iterator<>, permutation_iterator<>, zip_iterator<>).

  • PyCUDA lets you access Nvidia‘s CUDA parallel computation API from Python. Several wrappers of the CUDA API already exist–so what’s so special about PyCUDA?

  • PyOpenCL gives you easy, Pythonic access to the OpenCL parallel computation API.

  • OpenACC is a user-driven directive-based performance-portable parallel programming model designed for scientists and engineers interested in porting their codes to a wide-variety of heterogeneous HPC hardware platforms and architectures with significantly less programming effort than required with a low-level model.

  • Hemi simplifies writing portable CUDA C/C++ code. With Hemi, you can write parallel kernels like you write for loops in line in your CPU code and run them on your GPUю

  • CUDPP is the CUDA Data Parallel Primitives Library. CUDPP is a library of data-parallel algorithm primitives such as parallel-prefix-sum ("scan"), parallel sort and parallel reduction. Primitives such as these are important building blocks for a wide variety of data-parallel algorithms, including sorting, stream compaction, and building data structures such as trees and summed-area tables.

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