
Script to import/update OnDemand users from a CSV file.

Primary LanguagePowerShell

OnDemand Import Script

This script will read a valid (see below) OnDemand Csv Student Import file, check the local On Demand database for any required additions/modifications, and inserts/updates records as needed. Use this script for automating On Demand imports.

Main Features:

  • Imports a valid On Demand CSV file to create new, and modify existing On Demand users.
  • Can be automated via a .bat file (example included) to bring relief to your On Demand admin.
  • NULL STDNT_EXTRNL_XID values are auto-corrected to STDNT_XID.
  • Empty STDNT_MDL_NAME and HOME_GRP_NAME values are corrected to NULL (if required).
  • School ID auto-detected, unless you have multiple schools on the same server- if so, school IDs are shown so that you can specify the ID.
  • Auto-cleaning of CSV files- E.g. "P" year levels, are auto-converted to the "F" that OnDemand expects.
  • Ability to mark students not in the imported CSV as "DELETED" (disabled by default).
  • Colourised output (if run in a powershell console).


Example of running the script.

Getting Started


  • SQL Server PowerShell Module (SQLPS) (already installed on OnDemand servers)
  • PowerShell v3.0+
  • Script Run "As Administrator"
  • Script Run Under Account with SQL Database Read/Write Access on the On Demand Server (e.g. "School Admin" account)

CSV Requirements:

Required CSV headers:


Valid CSV Values (Source):

Field Description Accepted Values Mandatory?
student_code Student's CASES code Any string 1-20 characters long. Yes
first_name Student's first name Any string 1-40 characters long. Yes
middle_name Student's middle name Any string 0-40 characters long. No
surname Studnet's surname Any string 1-40 characters long. Yes
gender Student's gender "M", "MALE", "F", "FEMAL", "FEMALE". Yes
date_of_birth Student's date of
"MMM d yyyy" (e.g. Jan 1 2000), or
"d/MM/yyyy" (e.g. 1/01/2000).
LBOTE Language Background
Other Than English
"1", "T", "True", "Y", "Yes" for TRUE;
"0", "F", "False", "N", "No" for FALSE.
ATSI Aboriginal or Torres
Strait Islander
"1", "T", "True", "Y", "Yes" for TRUE;
"0", "F", "False", "N", "No" for FALSE.
disability_status If the student has a
disability or not
"1", "T", "True", "Y", "Yes" for TRUE;
"0", "F", "False", "N", "No" for FALSE.
EMA Education Maintenance
"1", "T", "True", "Y", "Yes" for TRUE;
"0", "F", "False", "N", "No" for FALSE.
ESL English as a Second
"1", "T", "True", "Y", "Yes" for TRUE;
"0", "F", "False", "N", "No" for FALSE.
home_group Students home group Any string 0-40 characters long. No
year_level Student's year level Numbers 0-12 (Can be with or without leading zeros),
"P", "F", "UG".


  1. Download both ImportOnDemandUsers.bat and ImportOnDemandUsers.ps1.
  2. Modify ImportOnDemandUsers.bat to point to a network share that houses your eduHub OnDemand export (line 9), and specify the name of the CSV and the log file (line 12):
  3. Log in to your school's local On Demand server as the user SchlAdmin.
  4. Copy the script files to the On Demand server (e.g. C:\Scripts\).
  5. Create a scheduled task to run the .bat file ("with highest privileges") whenever you would like the imports to be done. (I do mine at 8am, and repeat every hour for 7 hours)

Note: If the script warns you that you need to select a school, please modify the .bat file to include the school's ID as per the error message: e.g If the error says to use school ID of 1234, then use:

PowerShell.exe -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Command "& '%~dpn0.ps1' 'L:\OnDemand.csv' 1234" >> L:\OnDemand.log


Import "OnDemand.csv" from the "C:\My Files" directory:

.\ImportOnDemandUsers.ps1 "C:\My Files\OnDemand.csv"

Import "OnDemand.csv" from the "C:\My Files" directory, using the SchoolID of "1234" (only use if omitting the SchoolID gives you an error with a list of schools):

.\ImportOnDemandUsers.ps1 "C:\My Files\OnDemand.csv" 1234

Import "OnDemand.csv" from the "C:\My Files" directory, and disable extended student checking:

.\ImportOnDemandUsers.ps1 "C:\My Files\OnDemand.csv" -SkipExtendedRecordChecks

Import "OnDemand.csv" from the "C:\My Files" directory, and mark any existing student not in the CSV as "DELETED":

.\ImportOnDemandUsers.ps1 "C:\My Files\OnDemand.csv" -MarkMissingStudentsAsDeleted

Use this to run the script as part of a scheduled task:

powershell.exe -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Command "& 'c:\scripts\ImportOnDemandUsers.ps1' 'C:\My Files\OnDemand.csv'"

Use this to run the script as part of a scheduled task, and append the output to a log file:

powershell.exe -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Command "& 'c:\scripts\ImportOnDemandUsers.ps1' 'C:\My Files\OnDemand.csv'" >> c:\scripts\ImportOnDemandUsers.log

Note: Due to the way that Write-Host works, the following command will not work in writing to the log file, as Write-Host is not piped to the log:

.\ImportOnDemandUsers.ps1 .\OnDemand.csv >> .\ImportOnDemandUsers.log


  • This script, by default, checks for existing students by matching the student code ("student_code"/"STDNT_XID"), and at least 2 of: "first_name", "surname", and "date_of_birth". To match by "student_code" alone, run the script with the -SkipExtendedRecordChecks switch.
  • This script, by default, will only import new users or modify existing accounts. It will not mark students as "DELETED" unless run with the -MarkMissingStudentsAsDeleted switch.
  • If the database has no existing students, the first record will start at "[SCHL_ID]0000001000" (e.g. for a school with an ID of "1337", the first record ID will be "13370000001000").
  • If piping the output to a log file, the log file will not be coloured, as it's just a text file. Only console output will be coloured.


  • Robert Brandon - Initial work


v1.4 (08/11/2017)

  • Bugfix - Fixed ATSI, disability_status, EMA, ESL values being set to the value of LBOTE instead of their respective values.

v1.3 (06/11/2017)

  • Fix handling of NULL STDNT_MDL_NAME and HOME_GRP_NAME values to be NULL instead of an empty string.

v1.2 (01/11/2017)

  • Any records with "P" as the year will automatically be converted to "F" before inserting into the DB.
  • NULL stdnt_extrnl_xid entries will be fixed automatically.

v1.1 (24/10/2017)

  • Added extended student match checking.
  • Added coloured output.
  • Added option to mark students not in the CSV as "DELETED".
  • Added output saying what changed with a student record to cause the update.

v1.0 (10/10/2017)

  • Initial Release