
Protection Profile for Application Software

Primary LanguageXSLT


Protection Profile for Application Software

Working Draft

Essential Security Requirements (ESR)

Protection Profile for Application Software

Release Version

Protection Profile for Application Software v1.2 04/25/2016

Change Log


To clone this project along with its transforms submodule run:

  git clone --recursive git@github.com:commoncriteria/application.git

To pull updates from the upstream transforms submodule and commit them run:

 git submodule update --remote transforms
 git add transforms
 git commit

Help working with Transforms Submodule

Directory Description

  • hooks - Contains scripts to be run when certain git events happen (I'm not sure how much these are used)
  • input - Contains the 'meat' of the project. It's the input content (in XML form) that gets transformed to readable html.
  • output - The output directory where the html is placed after transformation.
  • output/images - The directory where images are stored
  • transforms - Points to the transform subproject which is really a repository for resources shared amongst many CC projects.
  • local - Resources that are specific to this project. They often modify or extend functionality from the transforms subproject.
  • vetting-output-format - Files in this directory defines the format for output derived from evaluting an application.