
An Erlang Algorithm Library

Primary LanguageErlang

An Erlang Algorithm Library

Although the standard library of Erlang has become more and more complete, I have found that the support for various common algorithms is far from enough. This is an Erlang algorithm library similar to the <algorithm> in C++/STL, which is intended to supplement the shortcomings of the standard library.


Number Theory

  • fun ealgo_ntl:prime_list/1: Generates a prime list where any element is not greater than N.
  • fun ealgo_ntl:prime_array/1: Generates a prime array where any element is not greater than N.
  • fun ealgo_ntl:divisible/2: Gives true if N is divisible by M, and false otherwise.
  • fun ealgo_ntl:is_odd/1: Gives true if N is an odd integer, and false otherwise.
  • fun ealgo_ntl:is_even/1: Gives true if N is an even integer, and false otherwise.
  • fun ealgo_ntl:multiplicity/2: Gives the highest power of A that divides N.
  • fun ealgo_ntl:quotient/2: Gives the integer quotient of N and M.
  • fun ealgo_ntl:remainder/2: Gives the remainder on division of N by M.
  • fun ealgo_ntl:quotient_remainder/2: Gives the quotient and remainder from division of N by M.
  • fun ealgo_ntl:gcd/2: Gives the greatest common divisor of N and M. note: we define gcd(0, 0) = 0 for convenience.
  • fun ealgo_ntl:gcd/1: Gives the greatest common divisor of a list of integers. If the list has only one integer X, it returns gcd(X, 0); If the list is empty, for this corner case, it returns 0.
  • fun ealgo_ntl:lcm/2: Gives the least common multiple of N and M. note: we define lcm(X, Y) = 0 when X = 0 or y = 0.
  • fun ealgo_ntl:lcm/1: Gives the least common multiple of a list of integers. If the list has only one integer X, it returns lcm(X, 1); If the list is empty, for this corner case, it returns 1.
  • fun ealgo_ntl:power/2: Gives A to the power X where A is an integer and X is a nonnegative integer. note: power(0, 0) is undefined.
  • fun ealgo_ntl:power_mod/3: Gives A ^ X mod M where A is an integer, X is a nonnegative integer and M is a nonzero integer. note: power_mod(0, 0, M) is undefined.
  • fun ealgo_ntl:is_coprime/2: Gives true if N and M are relatively prime, and false otherwise. relation: is_coprime(N, M) = true <=> gcd(N, M) = 1
  • fun ealgo_ntl:jacobi_symbol/2: Gives the Jacobi symbol (A / N)..
  • fun ealgo_ntl:is_prime/1: Gives true if N is a prime number, and false otherwise, mainly implemented with miller rabin test and strong lucas test.
  • fun ealgo_ntl:bit_length/1: Gives the number of binary bits necessary to represent the integer N. In other words, the integer S satisfied that 2^(S-1) ≤ |N| < 2^S, and we defined S = 0 when N = 0 for the corner case.
  • fun ealgo_ntl:nthrootrem/2: Gives the N'th root and remainder of integer X.
  • fun ealgo_ntl:extended_gcd/2: Gives the extended greatest common divisor of N and M. note: extended_gcd(0, 0) = {0, {0, 0}} for convenience.


  • fun ealgo:cartesian_product/1: Gives the cartesian product of a list of list.
  • fun ealgo:combinations/1: Gives all combinations of L.
  • fun ealgo:combinations/2: Gives all combinations of L containing exactly N elements.
  • fun ealgo:permutations/1: Gives all permutations of L.
  • fun ealgo:permutations/2: Gives all permutations of L containing exactly N elements.
  • fun ealgo:next_permutation/1: Gives the next permutation of L.


  • fun ealgo:shuffle/1: Shuffle the list L randomly.
  • fun ealgo:select_by_weight/1: Select one element from list L by weight.
  • fun ealgo:select_amount_by_weight/2: Select N element from list L by weight.
  • fun ealgo:get_rand_elem/1: Select one element from list L randomly.
  • fun ealgo:get_rand_elems/2: Select N element from list L randomly.

Shielding Words

  • fun ealgo_shield:create/1: Create a trie tree from a given list of shielding words.
  • fun ealgo_shield:insert/2: Insert a shielding word into the shielding trie.
  • fun ealgo_shield:detect/2: Detect whether the sentence contains a shielding word.
  • fun ealgo_shield:lookup/2: Judge whether the sentence has a prefix is a shielding word.


  • fun ealgo:rabin_karp/2: Rabin Karp gives a list of the starting character positions at which Pattern appears as a substring of String.
  • fun ealgo:sgn/1: Sign Function gives -1, 0, or 1 depending on whether X is negative, zero, or positive.
  • fun ealgo:boole/1: Indicator Function yields 1 if X is true and 0 if it is false.
  • fun ealgo:ustep/1: Heaviside Step Function Represents the unit step function, equal to 0 for X < 0 and 1 for X >= 0.
  • fun ealgo:id/1: Identity Function Gives X (the identity operation).