Elixir with Love 2017

Elixir with Love Sticker

A collection of links that cover content from Elixir with Love 2017

Code of Conduct.

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Cultural Keynote: How do we shape community? by Anna Neyzberg

Managing Tables with Elixir and OTP by Robert Beene

Phoenix and React: A Ticket to Flyby Catherine Zoller

Building a Community For Beginners by Jennifer Konikowski

You’re Just Not My Type: Using Dialyzer to bring type checking to your Elixir code by Emma Cunningham

Property-based testing is a mindset by Andrea Leopardi

Deployment without Angst: Patterns for modern Elixir DevOps by Scott Taylor

Functional Full-Stack Systems with Elixir, Phoenix, Nerves, and Elm by Greg Mefford

Idea Scaling by Hannah Howard

Technical Keynote: Elixir 1.6 by James Fish

This format is totally and completely inspired by Lauren Tan's open archive of many of my favorite conferences.