
Submodule of https://github.com/SergiusTheBest/plog/tree/master/include/plog

Primary LanguageC++

Plog as a Submodule


  1. Navigate to the project's include subdirectory
  2. git submodule add git@github.com:rbeesley/plog.git plog
  3. cd plog
  4. git submodule update --init --recursive

Pulling down upstream changes

  1. Navigate to the plog subdirectory
  2. git submodule update --recursive


  1. From the root git project
  2. git pull --recurse-submodules


Created following the article "How to Turn a Turn a Directory in a Git Repository Into a Submodule": https://www.howtogeek.com/devops/how-to-turn-a-turn-a-directory-in-a-git-repository-into-a-submodule/