
DGGS pilot, rHealPix 3x3 DGGS.

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


DGGS pilot. Currently implements only rHealPix 3x3 DGGS.


  • Raster storage using hdf5
  • Conversion from GeoTiff (or any format GDAL supports)
  • Shapefile polygons -> list of addresses


  • This was only tested with conda
  • Needs python 3.6+ (uses format strings in some places)

On Mac or Linux:

    conda env create -f env.yaml
    source activate dggs
    pip install --no-deps -e .

On Windows

    conda env create -f env.yaml
    activate dggs
    pip install --no-deps -e .

Getting sample data

Sample data is not included in the repository, some of it might be sensitive, other might have re-distribution constraints. Data is distributed separately on request.

Extract password protected dggs-sample-data.zip using provided password. Move files from data/* to data/ folder in this repository.

Running notebooks

First run these notebooks

  • io-convert-cbr
  • io-convert-abs

This will convert some test data to DGGS. You can review by running these notebooks

  • io-h5-read-cbr
  • io-h5-read-abs

Then run

  • nexis-dataset