
A Python API for iRODS

Primary LanguagePythonOtherNOASSERTION

Python iRODS Client (PRC)

iRODS is an open source distributed data management system. This is a client API implemented in python.

Currently supported:

  • Establish a connection to iRODS, authenticate
  • Implement basic Gen Queries (select columns and filtering)
  • Support more advanced Gen Queries with limits, offsets, and aggregations
  • Query the collections and data objects within a collection
  • Execute direct SQL queries
  • Execute iRODS rules
  • Support read, write, and seek operations for files
  • PUT/GET data objects
  • Create data objects
  • Delete data objects
  • Create collections
  • Delete collections
  • Rename data objects
  • Rename collections
  • Register files and directories
  • Query metadata for collections and data objects
  • Add, edit, remove metadata
  • Replicate data objects to different resource servers
  • Connection pool management
  • Implement gen query result sets as lazy queries
  • Return empty result sets when CAT_NO_ROWS_FOUND is raised
  • Manage permissions
  • Manage users and groups
  • Manage resources
  • GSI authentication
  • Unicode strings
  • Ticket based access
  • iRODS connection over SSL
  • Python 2.7, 3.4 or newer


PRC requires Python 2.7 or 3.4+. To install with pip:

pip install python-irodsclient


pip install git+https://github.com/irods/python-irodsclient.git[@branch|@commit|@tag]


pip uninstall python-irodsclient

Establishing a connection

Using environment files in ~/.irods/:

>>> import os
>>> from irods.session import iRODSSession
>>> try:
...     env_file = os.environ['IRODS_ENVIRONMENT_FILE']
... except KeyError:
...     env_file = os.path.expanduser('~/.irods/irods_environment.json')
>>> with iRODSSession(irods_env_file=env_file) as session:
...     pass

Passing iRODS credentials as keyword arguments:

>>> from irods.session import iRODSSession
>>> with iRODSSession(host='localhost', port=1247, user='bob', password='1234', zone='tempZone') as session:
...     pass

If you're an administrator acting on behalf of another user:

>>> from irods.session import iRODSSession
>>> with iRODSSession(host='localhost', port=1247, user='rods', password='1234', zone='tempZone',
           client_user='bob', client_zone='possibly_another_zone') as session:
...     pass

If no client_zone is provided, the zone parameter is used in its place.

Working with collections

>>> coll = session.collections.get("/tempZone/home/rods")
>>> coll.id
>>> coll.path
>>> for col in coll.subcollections:
>>>   print(col)
<iRODSCollection /tempZone/home/rods/subcol1>
<iRODSCollection /tempZone/home/rods/subcol2>
>>> for obj in coll.data_objects:
>>>   print(obj)
<iRODSDataObject /tempZone/home/rods/file.txt>
<iRODSDataObject /tempZone/home/rods/file2.txt>

Create a new collection:

>>> coll = session.collections.create("/tempZone/home/rods/testdir")
>>> coll.id

Working with data objects (files)

Create a new data object:

>>> obj = session.data_objects.create("/tempZone/home/rods/test1")
<iRODSDataObject /tempZone/home/rods/test1>

Get an existing data object:

>>> obj = session.data_objects.get("/tempZone/home/rods/test1")
>>> obj.id
>>> obj.name
>>> obj.collection
<iRODSCollection /tempZone/home/rods>
>>> for replica in obj.replicas:
...     print(replica.resource_name)
...     print(replica.number)
...     print(replica.path)
...     print(replica.status)

Reading and writing files

PRC provides file-like objects

>>> obj = session.data_objects.get("/tempZone/home/rods/test1")
>>> with obj.open('r+') as f:
...   f.write('foo\nbar\n')
...   f.seek(0,0)
...   for line in f:
...      print(line)

Working with metadata

>>> obj = session.data_objects.get("/tempZone/home/rods/test1")
>>> print(obj.metadata.items())
>>> obj.metadata.add('key1', 'value1', 'units1')
>>> obj.metadata.add('key1', 'value2')
>>> obj.metadata.add('key2', 'value3')
>>> print(obj.metadata.items())
[<iRODSMeta (key1, value1, units1, 10014)>, <iRODSMeta (key2, value3, None, 10017)>,
<iRODSMeta (key1, value2, None, 10020)>]
>>> print(obj.metadata.get_all('key1'))
[<iRODSMeta (key1, value1, units1, 10014)>, <iRODSMeta (key1, value2, None, 10020)>]
>>> print(obj.metadata.get_one('key2'))
<iRODSMeta (key2, value3, None, 10017)>
>>> obj.metadata.remove('key1', 'value1', 'units1')
>>> print(obj.metadata.items())
[<iRODSMeta (key2, value3, None, 10017)>, <iRODSMeta (key1, value2, None, 10020)>]

General queries

>>> import os
>>> from irods.session import iRODSSession
>>> from irods.models import Collection, DataObject
>>> env_file = os.path.expanduser('~/.irods/irods_environment.json')
>>> with iRODSSession(irods_env_file=env_file) as session:
...     query = session.query(Collection.name, DataObject.id, DataObject.name, DataObject.size)
...     for result in query.get_results():
...             print('{}/{} id={} size={}'.format(result[Collection.name], result[DataObject.name], result[DataObject.id], result[DataObject.size]))
/tempZone/home/rods/manager/access_manager.py id=212665 size=2164
/tempZone/home/rods/manager/access_manager.pyc id=212668 size=2554
/tempZone/home/rods/manager/collection_manager.py id=212663 size=4472
/tempZone/home/rods/manager/collection_manager.pyc id=212664 size=4464
/tempZone/home/rods/manager/data_object_manager.py id=212662 size=10291
/tempZone/home/rods/manager/data_object_manager.pyc id=212667 size=8772
/tempZone/home/rods/manager/__init__.py id=212670 size=79
/tempZone/home/rods/manager/__init__.pyc id=212671 size=443
/tempZone/home/rods/manager/metadata_manager.py id=212660 size=4263
/tempZone/home/rods/manager/metadata_manager.pyc id=212659 size=4119
/tempZone/home/rods/manager/resource_manager.py id=212666 size=5329
/tempZone/home/rods/manager/resource_manager.pyc id=212661 size=4570
/tempZone/home/rods/manager/user_manager.py id=212669 size=5509
/tempZone/home/rods/manager/user_manager.pyc id=212658 size=5233

Query with aggregation(min, max, sum, avg, count):

>>> with iRODSSession(irods_env_file=env_file) as session:
...     query = session.query(DataObject.owner_name).count(DataObject.id).sum(DataObject.size)
...     print(next(query.get_results()))
{<irods.column.Column 411 D_OWNER_NAME>: 'rods', <irods.column.Column 407 DATA_SIZE>: 62262, <irods.column.Column 401 D_DATA_ID>: 14}

In this case since we are expecting only one row we can directly call query.execute():

>>> with iRODSSession(irods_env_file=env_file) as session:
...     query = session.query(DataObject.owner_name).count(DataObject.id).sum(DataObject.size)
...     print(query.execute())
| rods         | 14        | 62262     |

Specific Queries

>>> import os
>>> from irods.session import iRODSSession
>>> from irods.models import Collection, DataObject
>>> from irods.query import SpecificQuery
>>> env_file = os.path.expanduser('~/.irods/irods_environment.json')
>>> with iRODSSession(irods_env_file=env_file) as session:
...     # define our query
...     sql = "select data_name, data_id from r_data_main join r_coll_main using (coll_id) where coll_name = '/tempZone/home/rods/manager'"
...     alias = 'list_data_name_id'
...     columns = [DataObject.name, DataObject.id] # optional, if we want to get results by key
...     query = SpecificQuery(session, sql, alias, columns)
...     # register specific query in iCAT
...     _ = query.register()
...     for result in query.get_results():
...             print('{} {}'.format(result[DataObject.name], result[DataObject.id]))
...     # delete specific query
...     _ = query.remove()
user_manager.pyc 212658
metadata_manager.pyc 212659
metadata_manager.py 212660
resource_manager.pyc 212661
data_object_manager.py 212662
collection_manager.py 212663
collection_manager.pyc 212664
access_manager.py 212665
resource_manager.py 212666
data_object_manager.pyc 212667
access_manager.pyc 212668
user_manager.py 212669
__init__.py 212670
__init__.pyc 212671

And more...

Additional code samples are available in the test directory