
A Python and Django tennis racket stringing app

Primary LanguagePython


A Python and Django tennis racket stringing app


I string tennis rackets, both for myself and for friends and teammates. This webapp manages the rackets I string by:

  • tracking customers and their orders
  • maintaining a database with rackets and strings (shamelessly scraped from Klipper USA and Tennis Warehouse University)
  • cataloging all pertinent order information in one place (strings + tension to use, string pattern of racket, due date, etc)

Getting Started with Development

Clone Repository

git clone https://github.com/rbennett91/racket_stringer.git

System Packages

You'll need to install system-wide packages to setup a development environment. On an Ubuntu 20.04 machine:

sudo apt install gcc postgresql-12 libpq-dev python3-venv python3-dev

Create a Database

Inside Postgres:

CREATE ROLE <role_name_here> WITH LOGIN PASSWORD '<password_here>';
CREATE DATABASE <database_name_here> WITH OWNER <role_name_here>;

Note the role name, password, and database name.

Create a Virtual Environment

In the top-level of the code repository:

python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements/development.txt

Note that you might see miscellaneous errors like ERROR: Failed building wheel for <package>. These may be ignored.

Set Environment Variables

This project uses environment variables to manage sensitive information like the database connection and Django's SECRET_KEY. Create an environment variable file by copying the included template:

cp racket_stringer/settings/app.env.example racket_stringer/settings/app.env

Do not add sensitive information to the template.

Instead, open the new racket_stringer/settings/app.env with your favorite text editor, uncomment the block of environment variables that pertain to your shell, and fill out the missing values. Then, source the app.env file:

source racket_stringer/settings/app.env

Note that you'll need to re-source this file if you make changes to it. This file should be kept out of source control, and it is included in this project's .gitignore. Moving or renaming this file will require an update to .gitignore to keep it out of source control.

Run Django Migrations

python manage.py migrate

Populate the Database

Use the custom Django Management Commands to add new rackets and strings to the database:

python manage.py import_rackets
python manage.py import_strings

Create a User

python manage.py createsuperuser

Run the Development Server

python manage.py runserver_plus

Visit http://<server_domain>:8080/racket_stringer in your web browser and login with the newly created user.

Built and Deployed with

  • Python 3.9.5
  • PostgreSQL 13.5

Future Ideas

Deploy as a managed app on Digital Ocean

Guides Used in Deployment
