This is Mudphone's RUNA fork of the Emacs Starter Kit (by Technomancy). See README_orig.markdown for the basics. Or, checkout the original project page.
Clone or fork this project.
Forking is easier, as it will automatically create a github project for you (and you'll show up in the network graph).
Create a .emacs.d link to this project.
For example, if you forked and cloned the project as:
$ cd ~/work/emacs $ git clone git://<your user name>/emacs-starter-kit.git
If you already have a .emacs.d directory, you should rename it (unless you don't want it any more).
Then, you can create your link like so:
$ cd ~/. $ ln -s ~/work/emacs/emacs-starter-kit .emacs.d
Update ELPA Packages
M-x package-list-packages i - next to each package you want
Recommended non-default packages:
- clojure-mode
- clojure-test-mode
- magit
- rinari
- yasnippet-bundle
Automatically installed by the above modes:
- slime
- slime-repl
- swank-clojure
Note: It is not required to install paredit here.
Refresh all submodules
You must refresh all submodules:
$ cd ~/.emacs.d $ git submodule init $ git submodule update
RSpec-Mode: vendor/rspec-mode (submodule) allows for single spec or whole file spec running
(define-key map (kbd "\C-c s") 'run-specs)
(define-key map (kbd "\C-c f") 'run-focused-spec)
Personal: vendor/mudpone/user.el I create a symlink to my custom configs from .emacs.d/.el
Personal: vendor/mudphone/user I create a symlink to my custom load dir from .emacs.d/
Runa: vendor/mudphone/runa.el customized RUNA keyword syntax highlighting
Maxframe: vendor/mudphone/maxframe.el maximizes emacs frame on start-up
Textmate: vendor/mudphone/textmate.el several Textmate feature emulations
(define-key map [(meta return)] 'textmate-next-line) (define-key map [(control tab)] 'textmate-shift-right) (define-key map [(control shift tab)] 'textmate-shift-left) (define-key map [(control meta \;)] 'comment-or-uncomment-region-or-line) (define-key map [(meta t)] 'textmate-goto-file)
- .authinfo.template
- .erc-auth.
- ercrc.el
- eshell-customizations.el
- .gnus.el.template
Happy hacking!!!