
Ruby library for using Kippt API (https://kippt.com/developers)

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT


Kippt is a gem that provides a client library for using Kippt.com API.

Build Status


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem "kippt"

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install kippt



To be able to use the API you need to authenticated. There's two ways to authenticate:

With login credentials

client = Kippt::Client.new(username: "vesan", password: "s3cr3t")
# Methods called on `client` will use the passed credentials

With token

client = Kippt::Client.new(username: "vesan", token: "2544d6bfddf5893ec8617")
# Methods called on `client` will use the passed credentials


You can get the account details (username and token):

client = Kippt::Client.new(username: "vesan", token: "2544d6bfddf5893ec8617")
account = client.account
account.username #=> "vesan"
account.token    #=> "2544d6bfddf5893ec8617"

Always use token instead of the password if possible because it's more secure.



Get all the lists:

client = Kippt::Client.new(username: "vesan", token: "2544d6bfddf5893ec8617")
lists = client.lists.all # Returns Kippt::ListCollection

Get single list:

client = Kippt::Client.new(username: "vesan", token: "2544d6bfddf5893ec8617")
list_id = 10
list = client.lists[list_id] # Returns Kippt::ListItem


client = Kippt::Client.new(username: "vesan", token: "2544d6bfddf5893ec8617")
clips = client.clips.all # Returns Kippt::ClipCollection

Both ListCollection and ClipCollection are Enumerable.


Lists and clips are paginated:

client = Kippt::Client.new(username: "vesan", token: "2544d6bfddf5893ec8617")
clips = client.clips.all


You can get next and previous set of results:

clips.next_page? #=> true
clips.next_page # Returns new Kippt::ClipCollection
clips.previous_page? #=> true
clips.previous_page # Returns new Kippt::ClipCollection

Limit and offset can be controlled manually:

client.clips.all(limit: 25, offset: 50)


Clips can be searched:

client.clips.search("kippt") #=> Returns Kippt::ClipCollection

Other available options are is\_starred: true and list: [list-id] like:

client.clips.search(q: "kippt", list: 5, is_starred: true)

Creating and updating resources

You can create new resources, here for example clips:

clip = client.clips.build
clip.url = "http://github.com"
clip.save #=> Returns boolean

If you are missing required fields #save will return false and you can use #errors to get the error messages returned by the API.

clip = client.clips.build
clip.save   #=> false
clip.errors #=> ["No url."]

Deleting resources

Deleting resources is done with #destroy:

clip_id = 1001
clip = client.clips[clip_id]
clip.destroy #=> true


  1. Fork it
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Do your changes
  4. Run the tests (rspec spec)
  5. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Added some feature')
  6. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  7. Create new Pull Request (https://github.com/vesan/kippt/pulls)