
Configuration to create log files in a Spring Boot application and send them to ElasticSearch

Primary LanguageJava

Elastic Stack on Spring Boot

This project is a sample application that shows how to use the Elastic Stack (Elasticsearch, Logstash, Kibana and Beats) to monitor a Spring Boot application. Moreover, it's oriented to be used for a microservices architecture.

Spring Boot Application 🍃

This application is a simple Spring Boot application that exposes a simple controller with some log messages. All the logging configuration is done in the logback-spring.xml file, basically it's configured to send the logs via TCP to Logstash.

  • To send the logs via TCP with Spring Boot, it has been added the logstash-logback-encoder dependency to the project.

Logstash 💾

Logstash is used to parse the logs and send them to Elasticsearch. The configuration from Logstash is in the logstash.conf file, it's configured to create an index in Elasticsearch for each application that sends logs to Logstash.

Elasticsearch 🔎

Elasticsearch is used to store and index the logs.

Kibana 👁️

Kibana is used to visualize the logs. Follow the next steps to configure Kibana (with the 3 ELK services running):

  • Go to the Kibana web interface to check that it's running correctly.
  • Start the Spring Boot application to generate some logs.
  • Create a data view with the following configuration:
    • Name: application-*.
    • Time field: @timestamp.
  • Now you can see the logs in the Discover section.